I'm Guessing That an Elephant was Involved . . .

                What is it with people saying, "Guess what"?  When I said/asked it to my parents, did I really expect them to guess? Does anybody?  Whenever Jenna has approached me with "Guess what?", I have given often given her an outrageous answer that she actually seems to enjoy, and it has become a game for us.

                "Guess what?"
                "You woke up to find an elephant in your bed this morning."

                "Guess what?"

                "An elephant was reported to be charging the halls in your school today."

                So now in turn, when she is approached by a friend or acquaintance,  friend will ask "Guess what?" and Jaime will provide such outlandish "guesses" that's it's a wonder that she is still approached with  "guess what". Only instead of elephants her "guesses" often involve aliens and a  LOT of detail leading toward the moment"

                "Guess what?"

                "You were on the way to Mr. H's class because you missed your homework assignment.  As you were swiftly moving toward his classroom you slipped on a banana peel and crashed into the wall.  When you came to, you realized you had been abducted by aliens . . . "

                I think her responses have caught many of them off guard as they will continue to stare at her as though she's the alien and maybe they have been abducted.  What were we talking about?  Oh, yeah. 


                "Oh, well. I give up.  What is it you wanted me to guess?"


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