
Showing posts from January, 2017

Just Names on the Payroll

          I still like the feel of a book in my hands rather than having to constantly refer to the screen and "turn" the page by pressing next or arrow.  When the library had the book sale back in October and November, I found an accounting book that was in great condition - but it was from 1979.  I picked it up anyway.            Thus far I have taken two accounting classes and am now on my third and so far my outdated book has been compatible to my first two courses.  I obviously hadn't taken payroll or taxes into account.  Guess what my accounting focus is on for this class?           The government laws are constantly changing.  This tax is taken out for this purpose, that tax for another.  We no longer have just FICA and SSN - now there is IRCA created in in 1986, FMLA created in 1993, PRWORA creat...

Majestic Beauty

I LOVE the way the sun glistens through raindrops right after it rains.   I have tried several times to get pictures of what I see with my naked eyes - but it isn't always what the camera lens captures. Just before the first meeting started for Church yesterday, I looked out the window and saw many drops hanging from a tree and though the branches are brown, they seemed a brilliant white as though frosted in snow.   The sun glistened over the tree and through the drops resembling so many interpretations of Lehi's tree.   I tried to photoshop something similar to what I saw.   I failed. I attended a Sunday School class and the instructor talked about his love for waterfalls.   They really are awesome.   Most all forms of water are:

Cable Cars and Thesauruses

Thesauras -   a book that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts.     synonyms: wordfinder, wordbook, synonym dictionary           Of course, Jenna and I haven't been able to celebrate every "Every-day's-a-holiday" holiday.   We knew that before we had purchased the calendar.   Many holidays we won't be celebrating still.   Take "tempura day" for example.   I had to look it up as I didn't even know what that was.   Jenna was not all that happy to learn that seafood was involved.           Monday was "hot and spicy day" and   I had jokingly asked my tomboy,   "How will you celebrate today?   Will you be posting a picture of yourself wearing something hot and spicy?"   That look of disgust on Jenna's face and her revolted reaction made me laugh.   How could I have even thought such a horrid thing?   Not...

Millsite Disc Golf Course and Surroundings

Disc Golf is a game in which a concave plastic disc is thrown into each of a series of metal baskets situated on an outdoor course, the object being to complete the course using the fewest possible throws.   Apparently, there is a Disc Golf Course in Myrtle Creek.   Jenna and I explored it on her day off as we grew weary of waiting on Fed Ex.   It was a beautiful day and we had to be outdoors. the entrance to the golf course under the bridge   The sign (made from mill saw) appears to have recently been repainted. I thought the entrance was too wet; Jenna's shoes seemed to work with the water better than mine did she walked around and met me at the entrance she was so excited by what she had discovered that she had to share Jenna thought this was scary;  must have happened before the mill closed Jenna is GREAT at taking selfies;  I don't take great selfies notice umpqua bridge in the back another side...