What is Wrong With Us?

            I don't know why, but my entire household was awake at 3:30 this morning.  Granted, there only three of us, but still . . .

            After 6:00 pm last night, Roland continued nodding until he finally went to bed.  As usual, I fell asleep on the couch.  At 3:30 I got up and noticed the television light was on from the bedroom.  I got in bed with Roland and asked why he was up.  Apparently, he had been awake since 2:00.  And then I could hear Jenna stirring.

            Roland went into his office while I attempted to fall back asleep.  It wasn't working and so I got up and signed in on my computer.  Roland's computer meanwhile had shut down and he hasn't been able to get it to come back up, thus he is not even at work today.  He called the school.  They are sending him a laptop as he is the only employee still on the PC.  Wow.

            So he went into the kitchen at 4:00 this morning and made breakfast for me, and then Jenna got up and he made breakfast for her.  I don't recall ever having family breakfast at 4:30 in the morning before.  After we finished, Jenna and I got on YouTube and watched a couple of "rubber duck" videos.  I had recorded this one for her when we had lived in Kearns.  She hadn't remembered it. 

            I actually don't get much done when Roland isn't on the computer.  I don't really have a reason to be on my computer today.  Finished with my classes.  Not doing well this week, I'm afraid.  Perhaps I've been more focused on other projects I have in the fire - like the flannel board stories, and scrapbooking a quiet book for my two granddaughters who will be two in August (gives me enough time to print in conserving amounts instead of trying to print 40 plus pages all at once)

            My computer is being major slow today.  Perhaps there's a gremlin in our house biting into the computer wires.  Perhaps Roland and I will go for a walk in the park and run a few errands.  I'm quite certain we'll both be taking naps before the day comes to an end. 
            Today is rubber duck day.  Jenna wants to celebrate.  She has always been an avid fan of rubber duckies.


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