Back Off!
Roland comes off as a domineering
parent sometimes. Jenna absolutely hates
it when she is told to comb her hair or wear a coat or dress nicely or what
have you. The more he makes suggestions
or "harps" on the subject, the more rebellious she is about it.
I will admit that I am not as
observant. For three and a half years I
have tried fixing her hair and seeing it wreck before we get to school. I stopped fighting. Richard has only begun. Although he has been a teenager, he's never
been a girl. We have hormones. There seem to be chemical imbalance just
before that time of the month. Let it
The rain in Oregon is different from
rain in Utah. Desert rain is wet. It soaks you.
Oregon rain - even when it falls hard - feels more like a mist. It hasn't soaked me the way Utah rain
has. We purchased a coat for Jenna. Cute coat, but she refuses to wear it. She doesn't like being told what to do and
what not to do. I've been there. I get it.
I've told Roland that he needs to back off as she is rebelling and an
accessory in her hair or a warm jacket has to be her idea, and if he's always
harping, she is never going to come up with the idea on her own. In fact, she'll do the opposite.
Her zipper's broken (that child is
HARD on zippers. I don't know what she
does, but she has not owned a coat or backpack yet in which the zipper hasn't
broken) and because it was raining outside, Roland threw a rain poncho over
whatever she was wearing. She was crying
and claimed she looked like a condom.
I've never heard anyone compare themselves to a condom before, and
started laughing - which brought even more tears to her eyes. That's silly.
I noticed that Jenna removed the poncho
between the driveway and the street. She
stuffed in near the bushes. I know she
will learn if Roland will just back off and give her some breathing room. I think he's overcompensating - not having
had the opportunity to raise his oldest two girls and being gone so much from
knowing the boys - although I recall his harping on them too.
We learn at our own pace.
We're not all equal. I think
Roland needs to realize we're not all him.
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