I Wasn't Nominated . . but Here you are . . .

I used to spend more times reading others' blogs.  After we moved to Oregon, the time I spend reading blogs has diminished.  Once in a while I will go through a certain post.  After reading some of Mrs. Pepper's posts, I decided to take a challenge/invite that she had created for certain bloggers.  But I'm guessing she also has a bigger following than I do.  Many of my readers don't have their own blogs.  So here are my answers :

1. If you could have chosen your own name, would it be the same one you have?  no. My mom has ALWAYS Loved my name.  I got to the point where I tolerated it.  But it's still not my favorite.
I chose LaTiesha Cannon as my blog name.  But I really do like name that starts with J: Jenna, Julie, Jaime, Jennifer . . . probably Jenna or Jamie.

2. What is your favorite song? It varies from time to time.  There is such a large variety of songs that I really like.  I don't know if I could in good conscience choose a favorite. Recently I discovered this one by Jars of Clay

3. Can you play any musical instruments? What? I can play the stereo

. Do you have a favorite go to recipe for busy days? Roland cooks, I reheat.  It's more convenient to eat leftovers than to make something brand new.

Would you hang windchimes on your porch? I hung the windchimes that my daughter made.  I often like hearing windchimes - but not always.

6. What is your favorite flower? Merrigold

What is your idea of a perfect weekend?  outdoor bbq with family and talking walks and playing games.

8. Do you go to see movies or wait until they're on TV? I'm cheap.  Usually wait until there on TV, except for once a month (sometimes) we can see a show for free when we meet with the senior group who support the food bank.

9. Do you enjoy sports? Not really.  I've never been very athletic or coordinated.  Always being picked last (or close to last) hasn't helped my attitude towards sports.  I prefer board games or family party games.

10. What's your favorite outdoor activity? I think walking and enjoying nature.  I also enjoy reading outdoors with the natural sunlight


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