
Showing posts from August, 2017

Remicing a Picnic April 2016

            I forgot to mention the office chair we had picked up at the yard sale, as the one I have been using seems to be falling apart.   I pushed it across the street with no problems, but got stuck with the loose gravel in our hillbilly driveway and stopped before I got to the paved cement walk that leads to the house.             I was reminded of when we had first moved in - there were items that had been moved into the house, but the washer, dryer, and dining set were still outside.   Roland had gone to McDonald's and we pulled the chairs around our dining table and had a picnic in our front yard                 Took these pics of the sunset last night:

Non Traditional Return to School

Jenna LOVES to dress up in costume.   I had thought for a while that she had always wished she had blond hair, but she doesn't see it that way, though she did do chores in order to purchase a blonde wig which may look real from a distance, but the fibers themselves are polyester or some other form of plastic.   This is what she wanted to wear to school:             We had tried another bow - partly to secure the wig, but also to keep the strands off her face.   Long hair is just too bothersome right now, which is why she's had such short hair for almost a year now.   I tied a bow in scarf that Ooki had sent but it definitely did not go with her personality, though it did seem to match her shirt well                 but she did end up wearing the multi-pastel colored scarf rather than the bandana.   She did keep the...

Finding a New Home for the Dogs

            On December 24, 2014 my children decided to do white elephant gifts for what would be our last Christmas in Utah (only we hadn't planned for it to be our last Christmas together)   Jeanie recycled at least one gift that they had received, possibly both.                 They weren't wrapped, but left in black garbage bags, both huge.   One a bit bulkier than the other.   For some reason I was drawn to them - not knowing fully which to choose.   I settled on the flat one, figuring it was a painting of some sort.               Many people, when drawing white elephants, will allow a person to choose a wrapped gift or swipe an   unwrapped gift from somebody else.   I didn't know until later that Jenna had actually considered "stealing" the painting I had "unwrapped" but wanted the op...

Stop Complaining

The beds are dry Not all the river beds not all the way some have puddles It's hard to believe that they were near overflowing just four months ago. The haze comes and goes Lately . . . it lingers hard to breathe It's hot.   I think the smoke is holding in the heat I'm currently washing clothes It is hot enough to hang them on the line But won't the smoke defeat my purpose of having washed them in the first place. At least I have a choice to shut my door and keep the elements outside.   How horrible for those who have to deal with Hurricane Harvey and the mess left behind They can't close the door and leave it outside - the water and damage are still in their houses. Many possessions and loved ones gone. Should we have to evacuate, it will be due to smoke inhalation.   I don't think the fires will come. Why can't the elements even out so there are no floods...

Keeping Things in the Neighborhood

          Shortly after we had moved in, a neighbor from across the street introduced himself to me.   He told me if we ever needed anything we could call him.   I think he was genuine in his heart, but his poor body was not in great shape.   He needed a ramp to get in and out of the house and was in no condition to climb our hill to inspect the house.   He had asked what changes had been done.   Because I had never seen the house before it went on the market, there was really no way to compare it but I don't know that he could visualize what I had tried to explain.          I could see that he was in pain as he hobbled out to the mailbox and back to the house.   I don't remember seeing him after that.   I think his children must have taken turns moving in for a while as I would see others go out to retrieve the mail or be out in the yard or what have you.   They would come and s...

Renovation and Makeover

We knew there'd be problems before we moved in.   I didn't get that the discoloration on the floor meant water damage.   We called the insurance company who sent a crew out June 28 and stayed with us until July 6 and disappeared. The insurance company had wired money to our bank in addition to paying Service Master.   okay, additional expenses like the plumber, electrician . . . but wait.   We still need more than just a sub floor. . . Installation  We finally heard back from Service Master on August 11, I believe.   It was by phone on Friday and they said they'd be out on Monday.   They weren't.   Roland received a call after 6:00 pm on Tuesday.   A representative came to give an estimate, which Roland tore apart and ended up agreeing to dry wall only.   Oh, and let's not forget the furnace that has been in our kitchen the last 6 weeks.   And please return our daughter's possessions! Dry wall put in.   Furn...