Christmas Cookies and Charlie Brown

cookies created on Wednesday Nov 22
                Jenna had invited two of her friends over to hang yesterday. Roland had made cookie dough the night before so that her friends could roll dough, cut into shapes and decorate when they came over.  Jenna was very excited.  She and Roland went to the store to pick out cookie decore and Jenna was quite selective making certain that none of the candy or frostings contained any nuts or nut oils as one of her friends is allergic.

        But both had given excuses not to come and so at 7:30 this morning, Roland rolled out dough while Jenna and I cut out the cookies.  After they were baked, we started our decorating.  About 2/3 were complete before Jenna and I got bored and decided to play games for a while.  We also watched "The Muppet Movie" and "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" As we watched "Charlie Brown" I reminised over a few different stage versions I had seen.

        I saw "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" for the first time at Promised Valley Playhouse in Salt Lake City.  All I remember was the old man (possibly the age that I am now) that played Charlie Brown and the exageraated props like the sandwich the size of the adults' heads and pencils the size of arms.  Certainly made it a lot easier to see than an actual pencil.  "Charlie Brown" was colorful.

        A few decades later, Corey took the role of Charlie Brown in Hillcrest High's first (and perhaps only) dinner theatre.  I was reminded of that yesterday when Jenna and I watched "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" animated version.  I mostly thought of the stage version that Corey had been in, though my mind wandered to Jenna's performance and thought how fun it would be to make some photos of Jenna and Corey side by side doing the same scene. 

        She had been sick the night that the cast had performed which very few people knew;  she did a tremendous job covering it and made a b-line for the bathroom just as Uncle Bill was taking pictures of each member of the cast.  Photo session was through.  I went into more detail in this post.

        We'd invited a couple over to spend Thanksgiving with us.  she has to work all holidays and so we are not eating until six.  Roland had asked Jenna how she would like to spend this day.  She said she would like to play games. We played only one game of Jenga. After Jenna and I had started a second game, Roland decided he needed her to learn to make the turkey - which is still in the oven.

        After Jenna and I had cleaned up the kitchen a bit, she decided that we needed to make graham cracker houses.  Her's turned out cute.  Mine was pretty slum looking as I was making it.  She made me take pictures before she decided we'd eat them, 

yesterday's cookies with build houses

but I wasn't hungry and so she ate mine and hers is still standing.  Roland is watching cowboys until it's time to eat.  He doesn't feel well.  Coming down with a cold - which is probably my fault.  I like having the windows open.  He likes the heater. Jenna is the one who normally gets sick on Thanksgiving. Roland sounds like Barry White whenever he gets a cold.


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