
Showing posts from 2018

Still Drivable - at least for Roland.

        Highway 140 had its challenges and slowdowns, but Roland didn't seem too concerned.   I think he was more annoyed with the snowplow and log truck that slowed us down.  Here are some pictures both Jenna and I had taken on the return home: Volcanic ash is used to melt the ice rather than salt our car is dirty from dust and drive       We're home safe and sound and found our house and belongings in the same condition as when we left.  We are truly blessed!

Christmas Day

        Before we had dropped Jenna off, I mentioned that I had brought her sock and she could take it and open her gifts on Christmas morning, or she could wait for our return and open one gift each 45 minutes or so.  She opted to wait and decided to open a gift each time we stopped the car to get out.         I woke up early and put on my bathing suit.   I would have liked for Jenna to have one last swim - which she has never done on Christmas, but I really believed she'd enjoy being at her cousins better.   Maybe not.   I think there may have been pros and cons with each.         As I sat in the spa, not even remotely in the Christmas Spirit of activities one thinks of on Christmas day,   I found myself pondering upon the reason why we have this day - well, not December the 25th, but the reminder of Christ's birth which did not in reality take place in December (see here , here ...

Christmas Eve

         We had breakfast at the hotel.   It was just the three of us as nobody else showed - which is just as well.   Randy had set the dinner for 4:30 but said we could come earlier if we wanted to (hint, hint) but we had made other plans.   Biff was in need of clothes and Roland said he would take him shopping and invited me to come along.   Oh, there is no way in this world that I spent 22 hours in a car crammed into a pretzel position so that I could go shopping!!!   I declined - several times.   I guess Randy gets his persistence from Roland.         While Roland and Biff were out shopping, I visited with Bill and Kayla.   Jenna was excited to see and spend time with her cousins.   Randy had called to ask what we were doing and if we were on our way.   It wasn't even 3:00!   The truth of the matter was that he really wanted Roland to cook the dinner.   ...

December 23

         We arrived in Salt Lake before 10:00 pm mountain time.   I texted my families to let them know we were in town but that we'd be calling it a night and they could come visit the following day.   Three times Randy had asked if we would be going to church with him and Carrie.   Truthfully, I thought that we would still be on the road and so hadn't packed any church clothes.           I don't know what time we ate breakfast, but we had enough time to make it to a ward (church) that we had formally attended (had we thought about it). Kayla had also invited us saying her church started at 12:30.   I had never been one that was a big fan of the afternoon time - especially while traveling.   If Kayla's ward had started earlier, I may have gone as I do know other members in her ward.   I think Bill and Kayla were the only family members to attend services that day as at least two of my b...

Rest Stops

     We had pretty great driving weather.  Jenna and I are used to taking several pictures at many stops, but did not seem to get as many as it was cold.  Here are some that we took in Oregon and Idaho.  Roland was not happy about having to stand in the cold to get the one of Jenna and me. earlier we had seen a dinosaur with a wreath around his neck Jenna brought along an extra hat and used both for these photos Jenna doesn't like herself in this photo, but I couldn't very well cut her out and have it make sense. Oh, look.  Roland managed to get himself in the shot as well

Countdown to Christmas

       I believe it was just before Thanksgiving when Roland decided to tell me and the boys that we would come to visit them in Salt Lake this Christmas.   We are still in a financial bind, and Roland had changed his mind before I mailed out the packages and told the boys that we weren’t coming after all.   But something kept nagging at him.   He took out a loan and we were back on.      Randy, our youngest, had said we could stay with him.  But we didn’t wish to appear we were playing favorites – although it would have been more practical.  He and Carrie recently purchased a house much larger than they need in an area about 45 minutes (without construction) from where we ended up staying.  Instead of visiting each boy individually, we would make them come to us.      In all honesty, neither Jenna nor I were looking forward to the drive or the changes that we had known occurred during our absence –...


This song had been going through my head prior to Christmas.  I don't know why I didn't post it before the 22nd.  Probably not worth the wait of having missed a week but will have to tie my reader's over until I'm alert enough to post.  Rather a boring video, but it's the song lyrics that I want to convey I realize change is necessary . . . . That doesn't make it any easier . . .

No More Haunting Triggers!

         We have a lovely tree skirt which I had mentioned in this post.  Each year I put it out, I would think about the day I had purchased it.   It was terrible of me to experience such  negative emotions each time I looked at this. It's such a cute skirt.        I don't recall having those triggers our first year in Oregon.  Somehow I had managed to misplace the above skirt.  I noticed this when we were setting up for our first Christmas in Tri City.  As I couldn't seem to find it I went out and purchased another. It was not as big nor as beautiful.          I have since found the first tree skirt I purchased in 2005 when Jenna was just a baby. I am happy to report that I no longer have those negative triggers.  I can now look at my tree skirt and appreciate its beauty.

Profound Quotes - Once Upon a Time

These are some of my favorite quotes from the abc series: Once Upon a Time Fairytales are real, but you don't know the whole story. . . a hero is someone who can do the hard things even when they thought they couldn't "You want to ruin me the way the world ruined you.   You choose hate.   But I choose love." -         Alice as Tilly "Love is Hope, it fuels our dreams"   - Belle "No one decides my fate but me" - Belle "It's time for all of us to believe - not in magic, but each other" - Emma Swan " I've been writing everone else's stories.   I need to figure out what my story is ." - Henry Mills " Home isn't a place.   It's the people in it.   And they'll always be with " - Henry Mills " Everyone wants magical solution for their problems and everyone refuses to believe in magic " - Mad Hatter "I would rather die than to have you fill your heart wi...


          Before I had a chance to sit down after I arrived in the chapel yesterday, a sweet sister came up to me and put her arm around me and asked if there was/is something wrong.   She is one of the very few people who saw me the week prior.   She had seen me on the stand along with the primary.   Many others hadn't noticed me.   Those who sit directly in front of or to the left side of the pulpit may not have noticed the primary as a whole.   We are out of view even when we're standing unless it is at the  pulpit.           I have been rather melancholy this entire month.   I didn't know why but have since figured it out.   While I truly love this sister, we really don't have that intimate of a connection.   I've seen her outside of the church on occasion , but for the most part I know that our contact is only two or three times a month at bes...

Once Upon a Time spoilers and metaphors

             For those who enjoy watching the abc series "Once Upon a Time" and have not yet seen season seven, you may want to return to this post later as I am about to reveal many spoilers. Thus far season 7 is actually my favorite.   I must admit that I did quite a bit of skipping around with seasons 3-6, reading the synopsis of each episode.   Season 7 has peaked my curiosity.   I also like the story of Cinderella better than the entire Snow White ordeal.   I also like looking at fairytales from other perspectives.             Season Seven starts out with Henry saying good-bye to Regina.   He tosses a magic bean onto the ground and drives his motorcycle through the portal into the enchanted forest. Next thing we see, Henry is a grown man.   He has his adventures and chooses to live in the enchanted forest - for at least a decade, I assume.   Another cur...