Spirit Touched Me Again and made it Hard to Sing

     I remember one Mother's Day when the primary children were on the stage singing various songs.  One was LoveIs Spoken Here, a song that is done in two parts.  After the primary children finished up with the first verse, the members of the priesthood stood up and sang the second part.  It touched my heart and my eyes started leaking.  It was so awesome hearing them sing together.  I wondered if I would ever be awed like that again. 


          Today, toward the end of the program, the audience was asked to sing the second part of A Child's Prayer.  I thought the request was a bit odd as it doesn't even seem that the majority of the congregation would even know it.  And as our chorister was having such a hard time with teaching the song, how did the leaders think it was possibly going to connect?


          Last week the RS, Priesthood, YM/YW all met together to receive instructions on the Come Follow Me program that we'll be using in just a couple of weeks.  In addition they took time out to learn the second verse of the song.  It was truly inspiring to listen to them sing to us and have us sing together.  Anne stood directly in front of me.  It's a wonder I was able to see her mouth drop as she was also amazed with the awesome performance.  I wish I could have gaped in astoundment rather than fight to get the words out as if I don't have enough challenges at providing a pleasant singing voice.


          The next song was Called to Serve which does not invite the tears.  It is vibrant and calls for happy authority.  I remember singing it when I was on my mission.  The chorister used all kinds of words associated with music - which I'm certain the musically gifted would understand, but there were several of the missionaries that had no clue as to the meaning of the words.  I remember mocking back her use of "crescendo" and seeing some Elders laugh about it because they probably didn't understand the word either. So it really is a memory without tears, but my eyes were still wet from A Child's Prayer. 


           The last song that we sang was The Church of Jesus Christ, which stirred up personal meaning as well - I think of it as Jenna's song and had shared my reasons with the primary during our practice.  When I was pregnant with her, Corey had asked to feel my belly and movement inside.  I told her he would have to sing to her.  He picked some Broadway hit, I don't even recall what it was.  Jenna did not move.


          "Try a primary song," I said.


          He started singing, "I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."


          She stirred at the sound of his voice.


          Several months later I was in the hospital because my water had broke.  I don't know how many hours had gone by before the nurse suggested we sing something to coax her out.  We picked that same children's song.  I think four of us were singing to her - including the nurse, and I thought that was really special.  I don't think it worked.  A different nurse was with me several hours later when Jenna finally decided to make her debut - though it still wasn't her idea to come out.  She was ticked and let everybody in the hospital know about it.

          Jenna has had some moments during her life - especially when she was young and colicky - that she has not been a happy camper, but overall I have been blessed with a daughter who smiles and loves life and is overall happy.  What a great quality!

          The Spirit has definitely touched me today.


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