Just in Case I'm Not Already Bored

The online courses offer a new feature to the mix.  We now have the option of listening to instruction, discussion, assignment or what have you. 

As each sentence is read, it lights up in green.
  The word being red is highlighted in blue.

 The player says 'Speech-enabled by ReadSpeaker".  Machines can't feel.  There is no voice to indicate emotion.  ReadSpeaker makes sounds.  It is monotone.  It makes whatever I have to read even more boring than it already is.  I asked for excitement not a challenge to see if it could be made even more boring.  Even a class that I love would sound dull with this devise. 

            Ironically how my last post was about poor sleeping habits.  Apparently my prayers were answered.  All I have to do is turn on this "speaking" invention, plant myself in the recliner and baby, I am gone. 


Who knew?


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