
Showing posts from April, 2018

Truth Among Bibical Deception

            I have the hardest time teaching the old testament to children - the story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac or all the lies and deceit that took place and seem contradictory to the message I am supposed to convey.   Yesterday's lesson was on Jacob and the 12 tribes.   The last time our class met, the lesson was on Jacob and Esau.   We related the account of how Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.   Rebecca dressed Jacob in goat skin in order to trick Isaac into giving him the blessing that was supposedly given in Esau's name             It's been suggested that both parents played along as it had been revealed when Rebecca was pregnant with the two that each twin would bear nations but that the elder would serve the younger.   Perhaps Rebecca and Isaac had put on the charade for Esau's sake.   It's still dece...

Scamming the Scammer

            Funny how since giving the lesson on "Divine Design" to the RS sisters almost a month ago, that I have been noticing more parallels and "divine design" examples in so many lives that I hear about.  Last week  Jenna and I watched this story on Sunday Morning - a program that Roland has on almost every Sunday I have known him.                He was in the kitchen making breakfast for Jenna and me when the Steven Hartman shared his piece about an unlikely friendship between Ben Taylor from Ogden, Utah and Joel Willie from Liberia.   Joel was in need of money and has been using facebook to connect with strangers to invest in a business.   Ben Taylor accepted his friendship that he might keep Joel so busy that he wouldn't have time to scam anyone else.   Joel's interest was in an electronics outfit located in New Jersey, but Ben had googled the address...

I Don't Trust Microsoft

            It might not even be Microsoft or Windows but rather a scam - which indicates that it needs to be corrected.  Constant interruptions whenever I use the web - I used to get a warning page with white captions in red background and even voice advising to call Microsoft IMMEDIATELY!   Roland says he gets that too, but ignores and proceeds.  His computer is for work.  I guess if he can do it, I can do it.  The other day I was researching for an assignment.  I got the message that I had been locked out of my computer and my screen went white.  In the corner was a number to call.  I reported it to Roland who said he would look at it but was taking too long for me and so I called the number to give them hell.             I got a recording.  Could I please take a short survey while I wait.  I guess.  I don't even remember what ...

Of Course It Was Expected!

                The weather seemed to be the perfect temperature during Bill and Kayla's visit - except for the last day which was cold.   We had a few perfect days since until Tuesday and Wednesday.   Unbelievable Heat Wave.   Roseburg broke a record of 90 degrees on the 25th of April.   How dare it be warmer in Oregon than in Salt Lake!             We had watched the news to learn of how much longer.   We were told that yesterday would be hot but not as bad as the last two days.   The next week predicted a drastic drop in temperature and rain.   Of course, we'll get rain.   We can make that happen just by putting up our A/C.   At first, Roland was just going to do our bedroom, and wait to install the A/C in the main room.   After watching the news, I thought he might in the bedroom, but he ended up...

More Than Names To Second Cousins

            There is a family history fair coming up in May.   Someone had made reference to the importance of it during our conference meeting.   Yes.   It is important.   Good hygeine is important - yearly checkups with the doctor and semi-annually for the dentist.  That doesn't mean we love doing it.            I have been rereading the autobiography of my former neighbor's mother.   She was 81 when her words were published and lived another 25 years.   She is the oldest living person that I have personally known. It has been interesting reading about the history she has lived. She enjoyed family history.               I prefer the picture taking and journal entrees over research and accumulated documents that may or may not be a distant relation. Currently, I have at least three ...

Changing Boundaries

            When there are not enough active members attending church, wards may combine as others are done away with.   When there is growth in the church, new wards and stakes are created. I have lived in such areas that affected ward boundaries.             I am too young to remember when my mom and neighbors were a part of the third ward.   I had always known us as the forth.   Just after or right before I had graduated high school, it was announced that our ward boundaries would be changing as our stake would include members on the west side of state street.   One and a half streets were made a part of the seventh ward.   I remember there wasn't much support in the "sustaining vote" - nevertheless, it was carried out.                It wasn't too many years later when I was o...

I Don't Think it Should Feel Like Outer Darkness

Half an hour early is still not early, not  enough time to get a  seaton the pew. One hour early would not be enough time. You'd have to get there at 6:00 before the doors open. You and whatever other vultures are waiting in the parking lot. If you come any time after 8:00, you have to sit on the hard folding chairs that are smashed so near one another that you will feel like a sardine. It is possible for me to sit in certain chairs for two hours, but not those hard folding chairs made for thin people. Give me a recliner, or at least something big and soft. During morning conference, I was standing by the wall just as much as I was sitting down.   The second time I got up, Roland got up also but then he disappeared. Jenna asked where he had gone.   I didn't know and so went to look for him.   I found him out in the foyer, sitting in a comfortable red chair.   I knew he wasn't feelin...

Puffer Fish Nests and Minus in Ministry

            Evidently, there was an agenda created for the stake conference that had to be changed after the general conference announcements.   originally there had been a meeting created for the priesthood which had been changed to all auxiliary leaders.   Roland was required to attend that one, but I was not.   I said I had wished to go to the adult meeting as I generally get more from it than from the Sunday morning meeting.   We both did.   My favorite talk was the first one given after the introduction and new agenda - all on the same topic - which was ministry.             The first speaker was given permission to show a visual similar to this:                Though displayed on the overhead screen, I did not notice the fish that she tried to point out.   I can b...

Fresh Cut Hair

          I LOVE the feel of my hair right after it's been cut - the fact that I can run my fingers through it and shampoo it only once and have my scalp clean.   My hair doesn't grow long so much as it grows thick. I know there are many women who would love the problem of too much hair.   Though it does have its perks, it does take longer to find the scalp through thick hair.   It will also whip in the wind and either get in my mouth when I'm trying to eat or else it seems to tangle a lot more easily. I don't know how it's possible, but my hair seems to grow faster in Oregon than it did in Salt Lake.   Even my hairdresser was surprised as the pile hanging from my head as it hasn't been that long since she cut it before.           I miss my hairdresser in Murray - one I had been going to for at least 30 years.   I believe she knows my hair better than I do. ...