Fill in the Blanks

My brother-in-law has been posting silly answers to questions he finds.  I have taken several of his topic post "questions" to create my own.  This will tell you a bit about me.

When I was little, I used to think things that happened in movies could work out in real life - like Mary Poppins flying away on her umbrella or half chicken half mammal could be produced by a mammal diligently sitting on the egg.  I don't know it was so much gullibility on my part as it was hopefulness.

I think the best place to sit on a bus is near the driver.  In Salt Lake, Jenna and I enjoyed talking with some of the morning route drivers.  It wasn't always an option as front seats are reserved for wheelchairs and those who don't/can't move around as well as the average person.  On long trips I'll sit in the back - generally from Fairbourne to Kayla's house, there was no other choice but the back. That was fine as it was a great distance. 

I am a huge fan of peanut butter and chocolate desserts

If I could be famous for anything, it would be motivational speaking.
 Between the city and the country, I’ll always pick the country - though not a remote country.  Somewhere between a country and a town.

My favorite day of the week is  Friday - usually, have completed class requirements by then.  Almost a free day.
The last time I had to call roadside assistance was because I had a flat tire - which I do know how to change; unfortunately, do not have the strength.

A film scene I love is in cool running when the four Jamaicans are applauded after carrying their sorry sled over the finish line.  My favorite line is when John Candy's character says to Derice:  "... a gold medal is a wonderful thing, but if you're not enough without one, you'll never be enough with one."

If I had a billion dollars to spend I would anonymously pay down many medical bills for various people.  Pay off my car, get a new transmission for the other car . . . . move my family to Oregon . . .  lots of things really.

The class I used to fall asleep in is ACCOUNTING - especially when the subject is stock and bonds.  (see here)

The greatest invention in human history is the camera, of course.

My role model as a child was my mom . . . but it took me many years to understand that.


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