Gifts Received

I don't expect gifts but they do come with Mothers' Day and my birthday - which happen to fall in the same month.  My birthday will be on Memorial Day this year. 

Jenna has already given me gifts that she made.  The first one (spoiler alert to any members in SU ward that are mothers of young women) she made in young women last week.  It is a magnet that spells out the wored MOM using her picture.  I love it!!!

  She brought the other when she returned home from school yesterday.   She had already asked me what she should make in woodshop.  I had given her a few suggestions, but not this:

  I think it is beautiful.  Both are beautiful.  My daughter is beautiful.  I love her very much.  Thank you, Jenna.

Just one more quick smile about the flowers in the background on the "Mom" magnet:

Two weeks ago, the only boy in my primary class had picked up four flowers to give to the four girls in his primary class.  I thought that was so sweet of him.


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