The Drug Called "Sugar"
For those who have followed Corey's (calls himself Cody) blog but stopped because he did, I have a post he shared to facebook and I have his permission to repost to my blog:
I'm addicted to sugar.
When I say that I don't mean it as a joke. I really have a
problem and it affects my health in a negative way.
I love the taste of sugar and I eat way too much of it. I have
great difficulty resisting sweets and when I do eat sweets I overindulge (why
eat one brownie when you can have six?).
And yet, I am fully aware of how terrible my sugar consumption
makes me feel. I sometimes have little energy, I will often just not feel very
good, and what's sad is even when I don't feel good I will still indulge in
sweets that make me feel even worse. It's like an alcoholic turning to drink or
a smoker who can't seem to kick the habit even though he knows he's slowly
killing himself.
My mom was diabetic. I myself have been diagnosed with being prediabetic
three times and then I'm "good" for a while until I get my sugar
level down.
From January from September of 2017 I successfully cut the
majority of sugar out of my diet and was eating much better. I felt better, I
had more energy, I lost weight. It was good. But still hard. The first three
days I stopped eating sugar cold turkey I felt horrible...probably because my
body was so used to the constant influx of sugar and I was going through some
sort of withdrawal. But I succeeded.
Then I went on vacation and fell off the wagon and haven't ever
been able to get back on.
Every night I go to bed and think, "Things gotta change.
I've got to eat better." In the morning I wake up with the best of
intentions. But I see something sweet and my will power dissolves. And then I
eat one thing and want more, even as my nausea is telling my tongue to stop.
After I stop feeling terrible, it's hard to remind myself how terrible eating
sugar will make me feel.
I don't particularly enjoy exercising, although I try to
motivate myself to do so. I fluctuate between anywhere 199 and 216 lbs
continually, depending on how diligent I'm being in my eating habits, but it's
like everything I crave are the things that aren't as healthy for me.
I only write this because I am aware that I have a problem and
maybe if I put this out there I can be more accountable. I see friends of mine
who I know have had eating and lifestyle challenges. Some have been more
successful in working on those challenges and others still struggle. I just want
you to know that if you struggle with your weight and diet, I am in the same
boat. And if you have managed to turn the corner and live a more healthy life,
what was the turning point for you? How do you stay motivated to eat well and
Anyway, I just felt the
need to put this out there.
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