Another Case of Weather Bizzarness

                On Monday I had an assignment to work in Canyonville.  It rained.  I had heard that students go out for recess regardless the weather.  Okay.  It’s pouring, but whatever.

            It wasn’t pouring during lunch.  It was still overcast and cold.  I had worn my green coat and had retrieved my umbrella.  Apparently it is only K-2 that go to recess in the rain but the middle schoolers were assigned to go into one of two class rooms as the gym and labs were being used.

            I guess I really hadn’t needed to drag my umbrella up to the cafeteria.  I stopped off at the last classroom where I was assigned and dropped off my coat, hat, scarf and umbrella along with the totebag that I was too lazy to put in the car after eating my lunch.

            Yesterday the weather didn’t seem as wet – though the ground was – which is why the middle schoolers were banned from the field – because it was muddy.  But then why allow K-2


            Yesterday had a few minutes of snow falling throughout the day.  It looked pretty in the trees.  Nothing I wanted to drive in however – not because I don’t like driving in snow.  I don’t.  But I can handle this county’s version of snow.  But because it was once so rare, there are many who just don’t know how to drive in it.  Still, it’s really not the worse part. The worst part is the wet ground mixed with freezing temperatures creating icy travel.

            Before I had even made it to work – or probably even out of the neighborhood – Roland fell.  He is in great pain.  He is upset about his condition.  Jenna and Roland aren’t particularly great patients.  I like to think that I am.

            We had an activity scheduled for last night, but I wondered if there would even be a good turnout and so we called everybody to cancel – or postpone rather – we just haven’t figured out our new date.

            And then today the sun is shining.  But it was also windy.  Not a violent wind.  At least I didn’t think it was.  But it managed to knock the power out for a bit.  That was weird.

            I went to the church with the sun shining and left the church with the feeling of a storm.

            It’s raining right now.  Pouring.  They say  it will turn into snow.  They’ve been forecasting it for two weeks.  Maybe tonight it will really take.  Maybe it will snow and they will cancel school.  I’m scheduled to work at Canyonville tomorrow.  I’m hoping for a snow day.


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