
Showing posts from September, 2022

More Tears, More Reasons

                This morning Ally decided that she would sit in Grandpa ’ s chair – even though theoretically it is the best choice for him as it is close to the stove.  He should have not given into her – but wanted to make peace apparently.  He had already confided in me that he thought she was spoiled.  I don ’ t know how much of that is giving in to her and how much is giving in to the Kabuki syndrome or whatever other illnesses arise.           He asked her how many eggs she wanted.   She claimed two which he said he would do just one at a time for her.   But he gave her both – none of which she ate.   She did try her sausage but said it was spicy – which I agree.   I am not fond of that sausage.   Clair usually sits next to her to monitor her feeding but as Ally was sitting in Grandp a ’s chair and Grandpa was sitting in Clair ’ s, Ally and Clair were not s...

Although I appreciate the Spontaneity, We Really Need to Work on Prioritizing

          We blew the opportunity of  picking blueberries for  50 cent per pound.   On Friday night Richard had announced to the troop that we would go pick blueberries the following morning and leave the house by 8:30.   I knew that wasn ’ t going to happen.   It was a rough night for all of us.        I was a grouch.   I knew I would be a grouch all day if I didn ’ t get some sleep.   When I am so exhausted and cannot sleep I tend to cry.   I have cried a lot this month.        On Saturday the gang did not pick blueberries nor did they go to the Safari.   Richard had decided on a dog park in order to save money.   He invited me to come along and felt disappointed when I chose not to.  He was going to be upset with me either way.  At least by not going I wouldn't be shooting off my mouth to offend.          ...

Let’s NOT Make Plans

             I don’t know what is with Richard making suggestions at every turn.   We all have our own minds and can decide for ourselves as to whether we would truly like to engage in activity or if we are just so tired from the events of the month.           Besides Richard has a horrible cough.   Ally was coughing last night and Biff’s been coughing.   Hey.   I have an idea.   Why not just rest?   Why not just take a few days to clear our heads and our lungs before we head out to the Safari or Bandon or anywhere else.   And hey.   Why don’t we bring in some income before spending it?           The blueberry picking didn’t happen until later this season thus the blueberry picking has been extended.   Richard wanted to take the kids blueberry picking this morning.   This morning!   Like that’s going to ha...

Farewell My Sleep, Look Forward to Your Return

            Biff and Clair arrived late Tuesday afternoon and started unloading all that they brought.   All of us were so tired by the end of the night.   Whenever I take a sleep aid I only take half a dose but chose to take the full dose as I expected there would be sounds I wasn’t accustomed to.   I was right.   Oh, my gosh.   A humidifier?   A sleep aide?   Something that vibrated with weird fairy music and rain.   I had heard the rain coming from Jaime’s room many a time as she would turn it on to drown out the roosters.   But there wasn’t the load vibrating hum or annoying music.   What was that?   And was it playing moose sounds? Or was that one of the dogs?            I woke up at 1:30.   I doubt I returned to sleep.   I remember getting up just after three.   I was still really tired but my knees needed to bend and the positions I ha...

Like Being in a VC Andrews Novel

                I forget the stuff that hurt me.  Try to shake it off and focus on the good memories.  For instance, when my son got married to Bridezilla (she wasn’t always, but she was that day – as well as several others) my sister sent her oldest daughter to attend the wedding as Bill had agreed to be their photographer.  So we took Anna with us to keep an eye on her.  Jaime and Ester were dressed in purple gowns as they had been selected as flower girls along Jeanie’s two nieces.  Unbeknownst to Jeanie, her mom looked at Anna thoughtfully and asked if she would like to be a part of the flower girl ensemble.  Anna was not wearing purple.  She was dressed in blue and Jaime was thrilled to walk with her as they threw peddles out of a basket.          It didn’t seem any different than having Ester escorted by her mom.   After all, Ester was only two.   Perhaps ...

When Integrity Is Questioned

             Something that irks me more than anything is when my integrity is questioned – especially when it is by one who knows me – or I thought knew me. I can think of only one example though I know that more exist.   The one example I can think of happened so many years ago it’s a wonder I do remember it.           I was working for Standard Brands at the time.   My position was cashier and I took a clients money, set it on top of the register, counted back her change, removed the ten dollar bill from the top of the register, checked out the letter and first three digits of the serial number (a trick my brother had taught me) and then she told me that she had given me a twenty.   I looked at the only twenty in my drawer and compared the serial number to what ten laid on top.   She had given me a ten – not a twenty.   But she went over my head and got a manager who seemed to...

What Happened To Me?

            It’s been nearly a week since my last post – and although I have several posts inside of me they just haven’t seemed to come out yet. Today is Nation Talk Like a Pirate Day.   I had never heard of it before.     I doubt I’ll be talking like a pirate – perhaps when I talk to Jai.   She always seems interested in stuff like that.   We have a running joke that I’m not certain how it started.   I think she may have been going for an English accent which came out more like a pirate voice when she introduced herself as William J. Shakespeare.   Now we use it as a clue when we are partners playing Taboo or Catch Phrase or something like that. Some people don’t like when we are on a team together because they think we have our own made-up language.   I guess we kind of do.  

Hoop Jumping and the Lion’s Den

          It ’ s been just over a year that I had made the decision to cut expenses and find less costly alternatives to the essentials and just do without wasn ’ t necessary.  Pulling the plug on the entertainment system did not set well with Richard who decided he would find another job.  Everybody seems to be screaming for employees and yet finding a job has been rather challenging. Thus we have been living on Richard's social security for a year plus equity (that was his alternative) and when school let out he decided he would go back to work as a substitute teacher.          He jumped so many hoops to get there.   When we went out of town during Labor Day weekend it was still unclear if he ’ d be working.   But every weekday we were gone Richards phone went off with job offers (or at least one job offer) within the surrounding school districts which he was unable to accept until this morning...

Happy Anniversary BTW

              On Friday we took Jaime to Ashland and left her there at the college. That was the day of Richard and my 21 st wedding anniversary. Initially I thought we would stay in either Ashland or Medford overnight and go to the temple yesterday morning.                                         Plans changed. When we returned we started a deep cleaning of her room and the office which are now become my oldest son and his wife ’ s room and my grand-daughters room.   So much work!   Not the ideal way I wanted to spend my anniversary. It may be a while before I can post again.


  Would you prefer to plan your vacation or be spontaneous? I enjoy spontaneity overall.   Of course it is helpful to have  a destination and find things to  do along the way Not having reservations has proved  more difficult than planning ahead. (see here )   But planning has disadvantages as well. I suppose if you are familiar with the drive and  area  making reservations may work to your  advantage or having the hotel as  the destination and not  a stop on the way.   You don't know when during the drive  you will be tired.   If you're not familiar with the drive  you may accidently book yourself in  a seedy or industrial area.   You may misread the map and  book yourselves 40 or 80 miles (or more)  out of your way.   You may be rerouted due  to elements or traffic.   I prefer spontaneity.