The Art of Darning Socks

               I didn’t realize that darning socks is still practiced – and evidently has been upgraded to being performed on the sewing machine. Really?  When I have a hole in my sock, I will just by a new pair.  Forget the darning thing.  I have seen it performed and am certain I could figure it out, but it seems more work than it’s worth.

          I wear cheap socks – not a lot of fabric or weight.  I don’t really care for the expensive ones or handmade or bulky socks.  Richard had purchased a couple of pair for me and Jaime.  I admire the thought – and although the socks are cute seem impractical to my feet.  

The sage are mine and the black are Jai's

For one thing there are multiple threads which always manage to catch on my toenails.  They hug my leg too tightly for another.  I have many pair that do that. I prefer my legs to breathe.  I prefer cheap socks or a bamboo fabric (also comfortable).


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