Struggling to Belong

           I have heard the music from “Dear Evan Hansen” for a couple of years at least.  Loved the soundtrack.  Did not fully connect the dots of what I was listening to – or hearing rather.  I suppose if I had really listened I would have figured out the plot.  But I thought the story was something different than what it is.  Jaime and I recently watched the movie. Although we both really liked it we were somewhat disappointed that “Does Anybody Have a Map?”  had been cut from the movie as it seemed like a crucial force for the introduction of the characters.

          I had heard Ben Platt’s voice for the first time during the start of the pandemic as he had performed “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” in the presentation of Saturday Night Seder – which I still love and am grateful for having access to rewatch it on YouTube.  I absolutely love Ben Platt’s voice.  I love the music of  “Dear Evan Hansen” and the story line. 

          We all struggle to belong.  We are labeled as outcast and popular.  We may perceive some people as “having it easy” though they may have just as many struggles trying to stay ahead or “putting on a show” for others more than themselves.

          There is one scene that stands out when Evan is having a conversation with a popular girl who refers to him as “people like us.”

          Evan responds, “People like us?  Yes, right, because we have so much in common.” 

          Even the most popular person can share something in common with one who may see himself as invisible for the way he is treated (see here for conversation) if only we would take the time to learn about  one another and not continue labeling ourselves.  Everybody needs to see this movie and apply it to ourselves.


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