
Saturday Went Well

            I actually received quite a few compliments on how well Super Saturday went and how many enjoyed themselves.   That’s nice.   But I really can’t take credit for any of it – except perhaps the date change.               I thought the first activity I was in charge of had a better turn out – but maybe it was the same.   I didn’t interact the way I had with the first.               We had four stations – two tables with fabric and sewing machines; two tables that held blocks and paint; my station was a single table which held journals, journaling ideas and hand-outs; was it two or three tables spread out for the popcorn ball demonstration?             The older sisters watched as Sharon demonstrated how she makes...

Why Learn Algebra?

            I get needing to know the basics of math.   I have multiplied or divided fractions when I doubled or halved a recipe.   I used addition and subtraction (mostly subtraction) when dealing with finances.   I have even measured things accurately. I get the basics and I do and have used them in real life.   Anything beyond the basics have been useless except for two times since graduating high school.             The two situations in which I’ve been required to understand beyond basic (Algebra comes to mind) came when my children were taking math courses in school.   Tony used to milk his sessions.   It would take hours just to do one problem.   He didn’t get that if he would just do it instead of trying to get me to re-learn and do his assignments, he could have been done so much quicker. Actually I have had hang...


I do like the weather we are currently experiencing.  But it is strange.                 I left the house early yesterday. I had wanted to stop off to pick up some trouser socks that I’ll need to start wearing.   When I left the sun was shining.   I had stopped to take off my jacket and put on Roland’s safari hat (recently purchased at Hogle Zoo) and removed it along with my sunglasses before I got to the store.             As I waited for the bus (so that I could continue on to the school) I took out a book to read. As I was reading, I noticed that light drops began to fall – not enough to concern me if the book had been my own – but it’s a library book.   I’ve already purchased more lost and damaged books than I care to admit. I’d rather not have to make a purchase for replacement anymore.      ...

October Air

     I Love the fall.   I love the crisp air.   I love rain.      The last week of September seems to cool down – not as cold as October – sometimes wet.   Not always.      This September has been extremely hot – hotter than August.   Hot like July.   I welcome the October air.      It started on Saturday.   Down poured all day.   There was a funeral at the Church.   And Jenna had a party to attend.           I went with Roland to the Church and took the cake for the luncheon provided to the family.   I asked what time I was needed.   Not until noon.   I returned to the house until it was time to leave.      I put the dog out so he would go to the bathroom outside and not in the house.   I planned to bring him back inside after I took Jenna to her party. ...

Same Name, Different Style

Have you ever had your mind (or heart) set on a specific food or dish – which you have had several times – only to have your server put something entirely different in front of your face.   Well, perhaps not entirely different, but noticeably different.   The name is the same, but the taste and appearance is off. Take corn bread for instance.   Here in the west it is light and yellow and fluffy.   It crumbles as you eat it and has a sweetness to it – even before you drench it in gooey honey.   It is delicious. When I was on my mission and had learned from one of the sisters that we’d be having corn bread with our dinner, I got excited (as it had been a while since I had it)   I didn’t dislike the flat and heavy white no-sweet-to-it-whatsoever southern version of corn bread – but I must say I was disappointed.   I think adding honey to that particular batch would have tasted gross. There are many of varieties of food that have the...

Biscuits with Gravy and Scones with Honey-Butter

This morning Roland made biscuits with sausage gravy.   Biscuits and Gravy had been a morning staple for those who lived where I served my mission – at least my first area.   I recall a conversation (after we pointed out to her that biscuits and gravy in the west was not that common.) She said that she couldn’t even imagine life without biscuits and gravy.   We said that someone in the west missing biscuits and gravy would be as easy to imagine as for her to imagine life without scones. What?! “What are scones?” “Exactly. That’s how much we would miss biscuits with gravy” Because scones was such a foreign concept to the members of my first area, my companion decided it would be fun to introduce several of them to our idea of wonderful. Several members were invited to the bishop’s home where my companion (though I think we had made the initial dough at the dinky trailer where we had lived) fried up scones and put me in charge of the h...

Thank You for the Prayers

I suppose I should have waited for Pamela to call back before I created that last post.   She had told me that she’d be going out of town.   I didn’t think of that until after I left the message.   I had tried to contact Scarlet when I thought that Pamela was out of town.   (Perhaps it’s Scarlet who is out of town?) Pamela returned my call and will be helping me on Super Saturday rather than at the Appreciation Dinner.   I still had not gotten a hold of Scarlett, but sent another email to ignore my first.   But for some reason I had entered the wrong phone number and so I turned the computer on in order to look up the correct number. Before the computer warmed up, my cell phone rang.   It was Sharon – another sister in my ward – offering to teach a class on making popcorn balls.   Seriously!   Super Saturday is looking like it might be super after all.   Thank you to my readers who took the time to pray for me. ...