
And the Downward Spiral Begins . . .

             When it was announced that church meetings would be cut back to only two hours on Sunday so that the third hour could be spend with families, neither Jenna nor I believed it would last.   It has been left up to each family or individual to study the "Come Follow Me" program to prepare for the following Sunday.   I could hear Jenna's moans - wishing that would happen but predicting that it would not.                 Like many New Year's Resolutions, there is diligence within the first month, perhaps a couple, but then we start to taper off from what we started and had every intention of keeping.   Jenna and I have been pretty good about going over the manual first thing when we get home.   She stops me and asks lots of questions or rewords the message (or scripture) according to her own understanding.   During the ...

2 week sub assignment

2nd grade reading           chapter books           Journeys - first story Jess makes gifts           story goes that she makes           homemade gifts for her mom                                       her brother Mike, and Gram. Last paragraph mentions a Jane           a Jane that was never mentioned                                       before Type-O? 1st group reading ...

"You Ate My Road Kill" - another trigger

                I saw a boy with a "Fly Guy" book and smiled as I thought about Jenna's desire to read the book back in 2007 or 2008 (Tedd Arnold has written the "Fly Guy" series since 2005 here .           When Jenna and I read books together, we would take turns doing the voices of different characters.   I think it was a bird that had made accusations against "fly guy" specifically saying, "You Ate My Road Kill".   Jenna thought that was the most hilarious thing.   She would have me say it for many years.             "Do the voice, mommy," she requested.           I would screech in a high pitched voice, "You Ate My Road Kill".             She would laugh and laugh and request that I do it a...

Wasted Time or Wasted Mind

I attended the webinar lecture though my mind wasn't as present as my body. Not as though I was seriously in the mood anyway There were too many sounds drowning out the lecture First of all, my instructor had a sore throat.  He didn't quite sound like Darth Vader throughout the entire lecture There was no wheezing - but a lot of deep throat My neighbor's acoustics were going and the sirens from fire department started wailing loudly. One of my classmate forgot she had turned on her mike  and failed to turn it off before she attempted to discipline children making noise in background. My instructor finally muted her and kept referring to the time which made me laugh as he seemed more anxious to finish the lecture than I was.  I should have left the lecture earlier I suppose. I really didn't get anything out of it.

Another Weather Report

The weather is so much different this year as opposed to the year we moved in.  The temperatures were warm but not hot.  Spring had come early.  I was astounded at the amount of "spring" growth and took lots of pictures.  What awesomeness. This year the fog lingers longer. The skies are grey and murky and the temperature has been uninviting.  Bundle up.  I mean, I guess that is what I was doing in Utah.  I don't want Oregon to experience Salt Lake weather! It snowed yesterday morning for only five minutes or so.  Big thick flacks that didn't stick. School was not cancelled though some of the buses may have been delayed.  It wasn't for two hours though. It seems laughable to me when the schools are closed or buses are delayed when there are less than four inches of snow. The snow is not the primary concern however. It is when the roads are wet and slick and iced over....

Words: Tear and Tear

If ever I should see the word "tear" by itself, I think of the word that rhymes with ear (or "tir) meaning "what falls from my eye" - probably because I produce a lot of them.   But the word "tear" also rhymes with air (or "ter") which means to rip or a hole.   According to  this  site  the word "tear" is a homograph or hetronym.   That is it is spelled the same, in some cases is pronounced the same, but has different meanings.           I had explored five dictionary sites.   Cambridge was the only one of the five that listed t-ear (tir) first.   The definition provided was "a drop of salty liquid that flows from the eye due to pain or emotion".           Though all five dictionaries listed similar definitions, each of the others started there definitions with t-air (ter): Google:           ...

Dash GA #5 Awards

What trophies, medals, awards and certificates have you earned throughout your life?   How many have you kept?           Well this post ought to be short and sweet.           I think I was in the fourth grade when I was called to the main office to have my picture taken as student of the month.   I don't know what happened to the photo or certificate.   I do not remember retrieving it from the box of treasures that mom had saved.           I had ribbons from seminary here and ribbons for my targeteer flag here .           I won a glass bowling pin filled with m&m's.   It was my "gutter ball" trophy.   Not that it's cool to boast that I had the most gutter balls of anyone who joined the league.   It was cute though.   And I enjoyed the m&m's....