
Grocery Shopping

          Going shopping is always a major ordeal – no matter what kind of shopping it is.   Jenna tolerates shopping at best.   I loathe it.   Clothes shopping, home improvement, groceries . .   I hate them all.   Roland, on the other hand, loves to shop.   When he as at a store, he believes the clock stops and takes his sweet time reading every ingredient .   I wish he was as conscience about reading the price and comparing it to our budget.   I often do go shopping with him just to make certain he doesn’t overspend.                       Once the groceries are purchased there is the matter of packing them into the car – and if they don’t all fit in the trunk, they get to ride on the back seat of our car – often next to Jenna who usually does her best to get out of going with us – but sometimes it is...

Two More Words

Triskaidekaphobia – this was the word I learned on Friday the 13 th after the instructor gave some quick trivia to her students about Friday the 13 th . Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13.   Of course Jenna was already familiar with the word as long words are a part of her vocabulary. She doesn’t think it’s as fun to say as Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, however. Evidently I had never either learned about Friday the 13 th or just hadn’t commited it to memory about the reasons behind the superstition and was surprised to learn about the Christian involvement as Judas Iscariot (number 13 in the group with Christ and his 12 apostles) and because of the cruxifixion happening on Friday.             She also wrote the date without dashes 91319 – and pointed out the number reads the same forward as it does backward – which brings us to our second word: Palindrome I have been doing some wordsearch puzzles and ...

Lessons of Our Lives

          Roland was watching a documentary the other day about the brain and its functions.   The first series was about the hippocampus and explained how sometimes our memories are distorted.   In other words, we sometimes remember details but do not relate them accurately, or else we are accurate but the memories are not our personal memories but rather someone else’s.   Examples that were used came from those who were affected by September 11, 2001 so much that they felt they had been there when the towers were struck and crumbled.   Sometimes our memories are fabricated.           I notice the “fabrication” each time Roland relates experiences about our marriage or when he relates memories of the boys.   He always tells it a bit differently until after a while it doesn’t sound like there's much truth to it.  But then again, I probably do that too - especia...

I'd Rather Work Than Wait

          I think Monday might be the best day for subbing in the schools.   It’s right after the weekend.   Some of the aides would like to extend their time off.   The last time I had subbed at Coffenberry, I was asked by another aide if I had picked her shift up for the 16 th .   Unfortunately, I was told to keep that day open as Roland had a doctor’s appointment in the Big City of Roseburg and would be sedated and would need me to drive him home.   I told her I would not be able to do her shift. On Sunday night I received another request – also from Coffenberry.   I would have liked to have said yes.   I had even double-checked with Roland who really would like to see an extra income.   Her name was on the sub list yesterday morning.   I felt bad.   Once again it feels like I am the only sub in the system.   I’m not as I met another in Canyonville.   Still, they are hurting...

Dash TV36: Ricks’ Outdoor Family Program

             Our family vacationed every year.   Often we went to either Disneyland or Yellowstone National Park, but there were also times when we did something different.   One of those vacations was sponsored through then Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho.   I don’t remember where exactly the “Outdoor Family Program” – took place.  I'm guessing somewhere in Idaho.             I think Kayla was five at the time.   I don’t remember how many families were involved – though I can remember six.   We were all put in cabins which surrounded the shower area and bathrooms with flushable toilets.   There were portapotties available, but they needed to be moved as they were pretty full to almost overflowing.   It was disgusting.   The cabin we were in was pretty much wall to wall bed.   There were five of them fit together like a U shape (if I remem...

32 jars and counting

Roland decided that we would make grape jelly yesterday.  We used two gallons of concentrate to fill over 30 jars.  I don't know why he dressed up - maybe because he thought his shirt would hide the stains? sterilizing the jars ladling jelling into jar it amazed me how we could fill the jars this full and have so much space when turned upside down  We still have over two gallons of concentrate. We'll have to make more jelly another day.

Early This Year

The primary program was today.  Definitely the earliest time ever - especially with this ward.  The song leader, pianist, primary president and one of her counselors were on the stage along with the ten children who make up the primary.  It was fun watching Jenna sing along with as much as she was able. I am not the only one who has seemed to lose track of this month.  Each third Sunday there is a linger longer - but not today.  It was announced in the program, but evidently we were not the only ones who had forgotten.   I had gone out to the car to put my bag in the trunk and Jenna came out before I had the opportunity of returning to the building.  Jenna LOVES linger longer but told me that it had been cancelled.  Tough break.  I should have retrieved my camera from the trunk, but did not - otherwise I'd be sharing a picture of the seven turkeys I had to wait to cross the road before I continued on my drive. taken 09/...