
The Number 40

“Forty – A Period of Testing The number  forty  is mentioned 157 times in Scripture. The number  forty  symbolizes a period of testing, trial or probation.” – Scriptures Revealed The article then goes on to remind us that Moses was in the desert for 40 years.   He had gone to Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights.   He was still there receiving God’s law while the children of Isreal lost their faith and built a golden calf. For 40 days and 40 nights the Ark floated around in the water before there was sign of land. For 40 days Jesus fasted before his ministry began. This site has a whole list of the symbolisms of the number 40. More than Roland had mentioned when he asked me if I thought this COVID thing would last only 40 days.   It has now been 40 days since the students spent their final day for this school year.   It’s been 42 since the church announced no more meetings.   And not everybody was quarantined on the...

Today's Walk Around the 'Hood

Jenna and I went for a walk today.  Here are some of the sights we saw and pictures that she took. Love the blue Jenna has always posed with fire hydrants since she was small.  Keeping up the tradition. she took this one from our backyard

Every Shade of Purple

           We finally finished the Sugar Spigot American puzzle.     Roland glued it so that we can hang it in our game room (should we ever get one built) and we started a new puzzle   that is over 50% purple – granted different shades.   Crayola might lable them as periwinkle, orchid, lilac, heliotrope, plum, etc. for there are many shades.              There are only 750 pieces as opposed to the thousand of the last two puzzles, but we can already tell that it will work up a lot quicker. I think my brother would enjoy this puzzle. It is the Mont Saint Michel castle in France.       He’s had a thing for France since he was in elementary school (I would guess) and he loves the color purple – surely there are a few puzzle pieces that would match his preferred shade.

Memes Shared on Facebook


My Ignorant Friends

          There are so many creative posts to facebook lately, and just as many that are hurtful such as warnings to NOT buy products from the Chinese.   Really?   Someone has the odyssey to promote bigotry during these trying times.   I would think the citizens of China have even less to say about their government than do US citizens.   Though there are Trump supporters and followers many Americans are just as offended by his lack of leadership skills or lack of compassion as perhaps citizens of other countries are ashamed.   In China it is against the law to cross the government whereas in the USA citizens have the right to voice their opinions and even criticize the government without being arrested.   This pandemic is not the fault of the Chinese citizens.   They are victims just as much as anybody.   They did not choose to become guinea pigs of some governmental experience anymore than soldiers...

Read the Directions Several Times

           As a student, for me personally, it was always easier to receive verbal directions than written ones.   I would do the research for whatever class I had online and discover the assignment was very different from my interpretation of what I thought I had read.   So often I would have to change my sense of direction – sometimes resulting in starting from scratch.   I’m finding the same is true with some of the students who are used to being in public school but are online currently due to the pandemic.           On of my daughter’s friends asked if she could come and film herself performing CPR on Jenna.   That is NOT social distancing.   Jenna does not have that same assignment as she is not currently taking the required health class that her friend has on her schedule.   Her friend seemed certain that she would have to practice on another person – which for me sounde...

Stay Home Order

Jenna has a friend who is somewhat of a rebel.   She likes to push people’s buttons just to see how far she can go.   Or perhaps not.   That’s just how I perceive her.   She’s not a trouble maker, really.   Just likes to bend or perhaps even break the rules that shouldn’t apply to her. On Thursday she wants to have a party for another friend who is moving out of state and across the nation.   Jenna doesn’t know if she will ever see her friend again and would like to go show her support.   Jenna’s a hugger.   She will not even try to keep social distancing.   I tried to relate our circumstances today to the scriptures we read this morning and the thoughts of her seminary instructor, “   Think about what happens when people don't heed warnings and guidance sent to help them. Think about what guidance and instruction you have received in your life ” I related this to the instructions which we have been given to STAY HOME. ...