
Lose the Bear; Use Glass Jars

                   I don’t know why I don’t just pour the honey from the plastic bear shaped container into a jar to start with – or why the honey companies don’t do it.    Why bear shaped plastic?    Oh, it’s cute – but very impractical.    Perhaps it’s less costly than glass jars – perhaps more practical when shipping.      But why the bear?    Honey crystallizes.    Boiling helps.    But so much easier to boil a glass jar than a plastic bear.   And trying to scrape out what gets stuck in the nose or ears - I feel like I'm being cheated at getting all my honey.  Just saying.

Changing of the Guards

                I love our new bishop.  LOVE Him.  No, it is not my husband – but they are the same age.  Mike is a mechanic who used to have a business downtown, but retired.  He is the nicest man.  He’s the father of eight.  Four were at the ward today.  Three are inactive.  It was great to see the support.                I thought that the Elders Quorum would be released and announced, but that was not the case.   Our former bishop was advanced to a high counsel position.   Hmm.   My husband is now ward clerk – the only position I ever remember my dad having served.   Guess we will be taking two cars to church from now on.

Christmas Present for the Ward

          Our ward has seemed to dwindle in attendance since we first moved in.  Some have left our ward due to moving out of the area or moving on to the other side.  We’ve had some move in – but where is the activity?  It has always been an older ward; the daytime activities seem more well attended than night time.              The activities committee had set up and decorated Thursday morning to afternoon.   It was beautiful.   A lot of work went into it.   They had set up an overflow room.   But as it was not all the tables filled up.   I don’t know why.   Last year we seemed to have had people coming out of the woodwork.   I felt smooshed as though there was no elbow room.                This year they had planned for 125 people.   I think there may have been sixty people.   Maybe.   Lot of food.   An announcem...

Better than 2022 but still not high on the list

                 And so the traditions continue . . . .          I feel the same as I did just two years ago – when we postponed Thanksgiving because all of us were sick – except Jaime.  But this year it ’ s only me – unless Jaime has a sinus infection.  She says her jaw hurts and Roland threw out his back.  We did have Thanksgiving.  There were seven of us.           I had invited my friend Carolyn when I thought it was just us.  But Richard wanted to invite Biff and his two. He also invited a member from our ward who will be going through a divorce and is having a hard time with it.          I did not play games with them but opted to do dishes instead.  Found homes for all the leftover food.  My head is throbbing currently.  That is new.  This morning it was ...


                 Our ward had an activity on Saturday.  I was asked to give a spiritual thought in relation to said activity – which was on family history.  I thought I would just give a quick and short thought about why we have family history and sought inspiration.  I listened to a conference talk given by Elder Nelson (now president) had given in 1994 which mentioned “ genealogy ” being replaced with “ family history ” which for me opened a whole new floodgate of questions.    Curiosity got the better of me and I researched dates and information related specifically to downtown Salt Lake. By the time I had finished my research I had enough information for a talk though unless specifically assigned the family history topic it is not a talk that I ’ ll ever give from the pulpit.   So my thought was: “ Genealogical Society of Utah started exactly 130 years and 3 days ago.  So what is the differ...


  I am absolutely floored by  the amount of ignorance that  exists in this country.    Making Trump a president was  NEVER a good idea.    But now –  KNOWING he’s a felon –  impeached twice but never prosecuted.    Why not?    What is wrong with us?    Richard thinks he will die in office.    I wonder if it will be natural causes or  if he gets assassinated.    Probably by an ignorant fan who  had voted for him.    I hope when Vance is running the country  he will show us common sense that  seems to have been lacking for  the last 5 or so years.

A New Perspective

               The ward had announced the upcoming primary program – which was held today.  I had a much better attitude towards it this year than in years past.  I looked for the joy as the upcoming lesson for Relief Society was taken from Elder Kearon’s talk ( here )  And reminisced of past posts here and here                    I truly did experience joy.