Jenna Loves Caterpillars
Jenna has liked caterpillars for as long as I remember. I don’t know why. I don’t know when – though I suspect it must have been in the womb.
There was a week the caterpillar/butterfly cycle was discussed during her first year at preschool. Twice during the week the focus was on the caterpillar and the other two days were on the butterfly. She was there for the caterpillar days chiming in her knowledge and sharing with the class more depth than the teacher was actually ready to go into, dropping her mouth in disbelief and then saying, “You are right, Jenna. How come you know so much about caterpillars?”
“Oh, I just like caterpillars and so I know all about them.”
I don’t think Jenna had even seen a real caterpillar before until the summer when she had turned four. We had gone to a resort with the scouts. One of the scouts had lovingly taken her under his wing. And just before we left to return to our cars, he found a small green caterpillar which he allowed her to hold. Oh, the joys!
Both had wanted to take the caterpillar home but the scout leader was talked into leaving it in its natural environment. Jenna was hoping we could return for it later when no one was looking. She did, afterall, know how to take care of it. It would have been her first pet. Her first responsibility. But it wasn’t mine to give. It wasn’t practical to have it in the car for the ride home. But it was a good memory for her. We did get some pictures.
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