Silent Heroes
There are several variations of what may
come to one’s mind when visualizing his or her perception of a hero. There are comic book heroes such as Superman,
Batman, Wonder Woman, or even Word Girl.
Many people have benefitted from the
heroic actions of the police, firefighters, soldiers, etc. It is the uniformed men or women whom they
see as heroes. And they are, and deserve
to be recognized.
There are “heroes” who do it for the
glory – just to be recognized as heroes.
And there are the silent heroes who work behind the scenes, who don’t
ask for recognition, many who would prefer not to bask in the glory. These are the true heroes.
Roland is one of those heroes. He does things out of nature – not because he’s
seeking a reward or glory. He just does
things because they need to be done.
For example, he’s really not
mechanically minded, but he will stop to give people a lift or assist where
able – whether he actually knows the person (or people) or not.
One time (many years ago) he noticed
an acquaintance waiting at the bus stop.
He offered her a lift just because of his nature. But for her, it was a heroic act of
rescue. Neither of us knows all the
details and so it is only speculation as to whether she woke up late, her car
wasn’t running, she had barely missed the bus . . . whatever.
has been grateful to Roland for his actions all this time – and it
really wasn’t a recent thing. Maybe 30
years ago? Maybe longer. An incident that Roland probably thought
nothing about even in that moment, but in that moment he had become her
hero. And she has never forgotten.
My dad was a hero just by his example –
supporting each of us in our dreams – supporting us from “behind the curtains”
never feeling the need to set foot upon the stage himself. And really not wanting to. He didn’t have a desire for the praise.
He was wise with money and knew how to
budget and provide. We may not have been
financially wealthy, but daddy kept the family together and saw to it that we
would take a family vacation each year. Daddy was a silent hero.
I remember being stranded on the road
myself. Kayla and Corey were with
me. Kayla was maybe about five or
six. We didn’t have cell phones then –
and payphones were only a dime. With the
car (I believe I was driving the one that belonged to my grandmother, actually)
pulled over to the side, I took each of the kids’ hands and started
walking. A man pulled over to see if we
needed a lift.
As I pushed Kayla and Corey into the car,
I thought: “What am I doing? I don’t
know this man. He could just try to
steal us and hold us for ransom”
But this “grandpa” who had picked us up
became my hero for a moment. As it
turned out he really didn’t live too far from my grandma.
And there’s another time when my neighbor
was stranded on the freeway – with at least six kids in the car. It was the “hippy era” and those long haired
freaks had earned a reputation among the older generation which was less than flattering. But it was two of those long haired “freaks”
that helped us to move along.
And then there are the occasional customer
service representatives who are serious about resolving my concerns. Those are true heroes for making me feel like
I am more important than a paycheck.
Strange how such little actions on our
part can have such a huge impact on somebody else’s.
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