Personalities of the Hundred Acre Wood
I don’t know if I first noticed the
resemblance between Jenna and Tigger (from Disney’s Winnie-the-Pooh) or Frances
and Eyore – I’m thinking the latter.
Frances would often wear shirts with logos
that were either Tinkerbelle or Eyore. I
once thought “Frances could be Eyore” kind of sluggish, not very pleasant,
somewhat of a pessimist – which is sad – because she hadn’t always been like
The transformation probably took place
within the first couple of years after she received her first period. And perhaps it was during those times I would
happen to see her that she was going through PMS or whatever. She’d become lazy, had always been
careless. She could easily misplace her
tail. Frances was Eyore.
Jenna has been enthusiastically
pouncing for almost six or seven years.
As with Tigger, she doesn’t do it maliciously – she just gets
excited. Since I’d been picking her up
from pre-school or the sitters or wherever, she has run to and embraced me at
full speed and amazingly hasn’t yet knocked me over.
She is not made of rubber and springs
– and I’m definitely not. Though I’ve
tried to tame her, she still continues to pounce. Jenna IS Tigger.
That got me to wondering if the restof us had personality traits that would resemble those that
lived in the 100 acre wood. Up until
then I guess I hadn’t thought of each character as a different personality
trait. But now I do.
I assigned myself to be Rabbit as
Rabbit often feels uptight about stupid things that he can’t control. Let it go.
Move on. No, not Rabbit. He seems to focus on the things that upset
him. Maybe not.
Rabbit’s actually a harder worker than
I am. LOVES gardening. I don’t loathe it so much as I just don’t
care for the overall temperature that seems to come with gardening (put me
indoors with an air conditioner) but does seem to often snap at others. I REALLY NEED to shed this personality
trait. It’s not a desirable one. But I do tend to get uptight about
circumstances and wish I would stop.
Roland is definitely Kanga. He seems to possess maternal instincts and
sometimes will coddle our children – particularly when they don’t want to be
coddled. He’s a worrier, provider, a
nurturer and supervisor among other things.
I decided that Biff would be
Winnie-the-Pooh. Pooh’s one focus is
with “hunny”. Biff’s is the gym. Stuffed with fluff? Not exactly.
Biff works out. He would never
get stuck in Rabbit’s hole for example.
But he does have the same loveable qualities found in pooh bear. And
there are times that I have wondered if his head might not be full of cotton.
Tony and Pamprin are both
playful. Both would like to hold hands
with someone who will make the decision.
Of course I don’t know Pamprin near as well as I know Tony. He likes to laugh. He likes to play. But he has definite signs of
responsibility. Both Tony and Pamprin
have changed diapers. I wouldn’t think
too many of the hundred acre wood characters would even know how to do that.
Randy is wise. I considered the owl – though the owl seems
kind of squirrely to me at times. I made
Randy Christopher Robin – as Christopher Robin is more of the observer outside
of the 100 acre woods and can come and go at his desire. Randy has been coming and going since he was
nine (possibly sooner). Sometimes he’s a
part of us, but often he chooses to let us work it out amongst ourselves.
Wasn’t that a wonderful post?
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