The Wonderful, Fabulous, Miraculous GPS (Global positioning system)
For those of us who are directionally
challenged, the GPS is the best device ever!
Roland had won a GPS in a contest
through his work. It was about a week or
two before we had gone to another state to see his family over a year ago.
Roland makes jokes that Jenna must
have been injected with a phonographic needle when she’d receive her shots. It took her a while before she started
talking, but once she got it, she hasn’t shut up..
Jenna would start talking at the same time
the GPS would vocalize directions. Jenna
became annoyed and said, “Gosh, she’s bossy!”
This last time we had gone, I was
fidgeting for something else but hit the GPS in error. Roland looked at me rather puzzled and asked
what the GPS had said. “Go 108 miles and
turn left”
Oh, thank you for the heads up!
Randy wants a GPS with a sense of
humor. “You have just missed your
turn! Just kidding”
Lately I have had a couple of problems
with getting the right information however.
Somehow the GPS thinks I’m in a location where I am really not. For instance, I asked it to find a credit
union near my mom’s house. The nearest locations
it gave me were not “near” at all. And
the GPS can’t tell you how much construction will be in said path to said
I like that it tells you the speed
limit and lets you know what speed limit is being driven. At least ours does.
For the most part it is the most
awesome thing to have. What a great invention!
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