
Showing posts from 2014

My Last Post of the Year

              Two of our boys took their wives to Arizona.   They left the day after Christmas and are returning today.   I hope they have coats.   Carrie will have one, but the rest may have decided to tough it out, as the weather really was nice when they left.             Carrie texted me that it was 73 degrees in Arizona.   They’ll be returning to below zero.   Actually it is 2 above as I write this post.   Wind chill factor makes it feel so much colder.             It’s not as windy right now as it was yesterday.   It’s a wonder I wasn’t in a coma all day. I don’t remember it being this cold.   Not for a very long while anyway.               It snowed on Christmas day – pretty much all day....

Everyone Willing Can Have a Part

     My brother, Corey, has always been a big fan of Steven Sondheim.   I don’t think it was until after he was in high school still or college when I was introduced to his “Into the Woods” soundtrack – which I listened to and read along as the characters sang.   Immediately I decided it was a production that I wanted to see.         I have seen four or five different versions – though I don’t actually remember the details of each one.   I think the first opportunity was when the production was on tour.   I vaguely remember seeing it with my mom, I think.   I don’t know who else was with us.   I’m wondering if we were given tickets that Corey, himself, was unable to use.         My least favorite production was one that he was in.   He played Repunzel’s prince.   Our friend, Jinx, played the baker.   It was a marvelous cast, and each one...

Opening a Facebook Account for Jenna

            I have noticed with each passing year, Jenna has had friends or acquaintances join Facebook – which has an age restriction – and I know for a fact that they are all younger than required age.               There have been some who've asked for her email address and we have given out mine, as Jenna does not have one.   She did have one through the school, but has forgotten it.   But I don’t imagine she could start a facebook account with a school email address anyway.               I could pay 50 cents to start an email account for her – or lie about her age – which evidently is what most of her friends or acquaintances (or their parents) have done.   How important is it for her to have this that we need to lie about it?   Thus she still isn’t on facebook.   ...

Grandma’s Wrinkles Tell Stories – and I Love Each One

On Christmas Eve, I opened a gift presented by my granddaughter.   The name of the book is “Grandmothers Are Like Snowflakes . . . No Two Are Alike” by Janet Lanese (who I believe refers to herself as “Grandma Jan”) and had started reading it before I went to bed and continued after I got up and after we opened presents.    It’s got a bunch of great thoughts and little proverbs and I started reminiscing with many quotes that I read – starting with myself. Some quotes come with full names.   Some are quotes taken from children in which first name and age of child are given.   One of my favorite quotes came from an eight year old named Tammy.   It says, “ I love my grandma’s wrinkles.  Every one tells a story ” – which is where I got the title of this post.      I don’t feel much like a grandma.   I haven’t been with Ester much to make a connection in which we are both comfortable in our roles.   She’ll be three in...

Nativity Pics

                              The wooden nativity that Patrick painted did not include the bear.                          It was a gift that Jenna received for Christmas one year and decided                           she would add to the nativity                     The first Mary (pink) is the first piece that Jenna received to her nativity;                  the second is the only piece I can find to a nativity that my mom had given me;        ...

Christmas Eve Elephants

                           The first name drawn to pick a gift was our granddaughter, Ester                        Carrie suggested this white elephant she had wrapped.  Ester loved it.                                                                           The expression on my face says it all                        Jeanie was next to pick a gift.  She opened the clock that we had broug...

12 Days of Nativity

About a year and a half ago, after we cleaned mom’s house, I reclaimed my nativity mentioned here and learned that it was just too large for my small house and my less-than-tidy family.   Last year was the only year I put it up. My family had sent me a wooden nativity the first Christmas I was on my mission.   The nativity consisted of five pieces: Mary, Joseph, two lambs and the baby Jesus.   My brother Patrick had painted each of the figures.   Two years after I had returned from my mission, I had purchased a bunch of Christmas items that went on clearance following the holidays.   One of the items I purchased was a three-piece wooden set with painted camel, the three wisemen and a shepherd.   I added those to my existing nativity.   That is what I used for several years after Roland and I were married. My mom had given me a small nativity sometime before we had moved to West Valley.   It was smaller than my wooden set, and...

My Day So Far

         This year the weather has been awesome enough for me to drive in.   As I was returning home from Jenna’s school, I stopped to get gas.   It was under 20 dollars to fill my tank.   I was stunned.   It wasn’t that low the last time I drove for real.            Last year when Jenna’s school held their Christmas performance, and the weather was rotten, not only did I miss the program, but Tony had as well.   He and Rochelle had just moved back after living in Texas.   Tony surprised Jenna this year when we both showed up just as her class was lining up out in the hall.            There have been some years when I know she hasn’t been able to find me in the audience.   I have taken pictures of her program just to prove to her that I was there.   This year I had my new camera but was very far aw...