My Day So Far
This year the weather has been awesome
enough for me to drive in. As I was
returning home from Jenna’s school, I stopped to get gas. It was under 20 dollars to fill my tank. I was stunned. It wasn’t that low the last time I drove for
Last year when Jenna’s school held their
Christmas performance, and the weather was rotten, not only did I miss the
program, but Tony had as well. He and
Rochelle had just moved back after living in Texas. Tony surprised Jenna this year when we both
showed up just as her class was lining up out in the hall.
There have been some years when I know
she hasn’t been able to find me in the audience. I have taken pictures of her program just to
prove to her that I was there. This year
I had my new camera but was very far away from the stage. I decided that I would just enjoy the
performance and NOT take pictures.
However, when the principal invited parents to stand and take pictures
of their kids BEFORE the performance, I handed the camera to Tony and asked if
he would move up closer to get some shots.
Jenna was wearing a headband with huge
red antlers sticking up. I had not
noticed her wearing it in the hall. I
don’t know how I noticed when she was on stage.
The antlers blended into the drapes.
It actually looked kind of weird.
Tony not only took several still pictures of her, but filmed both musical
numbers as well. What a guy. I was/am very grateful for that.
Tony was starving. After Jenna’s class dismissed, we left toward
his car (he had driven us in his new car) and got something to eat before he
returned me home. I had only twenty
minutes or so to start sorting socks or start my blog or do dishes. I knew I wasn’t going to complete any one
task – let alone all of them. I still
have to add pictures to the last couple of thoughts that I’ve already posted
today. I’ll need to run to the library
as well as I have a few items to return.
I returned to Jenna’s school just
before school let out. I am usually early and have to wait a while before the
bell rings and for her to cross.
Normally I sit at a bench behind the school and read. I have enjoyed the
crisp air that’s lingered this season. Today would have been less enjoyable. I was grateful I had a car to sit in, as it
has gotten colder. To me, it feels like
the coldest day of this month. And it
seems to be getting colder with every passing minute.
Initially I was going to stop at a fast
food place on my way to Roland’s place of work – only he really didn’t want
that choice of food. I suggested we just
go out and eat and Jenna and I could just bus it home. And so that is what we did.
He will be home in another hour and we
will go to the Church house where Sunny and Patrick attend services and spend a
few hours playing games with the family.
We are excited!
I should include pictures with all
three of today’s posts. I am unable to
do them all at this time however.
Perhaps I will be able to do so on Christmas Eve – before our other
family party. (That is if Jenna will
allow me the time to do so)
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