Nativity Pics
The wooden nativity that Patrick painted did not include the bear.
It was a gift that Jenna received for Christmas one year and decided
she would add to the nativity
The first Mary (pink) is the first piece that Jenna received to her nativity;
the second is the only piece I can find to a nativity that my mom had given me;
the third Mary (blue) is the one I received last year from Roland and Biff
Though he carries a shepherd's crook, we used the first piece to
represent Joseph, next is an angel and the baby in the manger
The wooden nativity set except for the donkey and camel pictured below
Three wisemen, the camel, donkey and sheep (the wooden animals
didn't have the glare that the ceramic animals of Jenna's nativity had)
Just to demonstrate the size of the rooster with the sheep and Ooki's wooden elephant
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