Puzzle Pieces

          My neighbor lost her husband a few months before we had moved in.  He enjoyed putting jigsaw puzzles  together, and had left the earth with a garage-full of 1,000 piece puzzles.  Recently she has gone through his puzzles to donate to senior centers and individuals and has asked Jenna and I if we would like to take some for ourselves.

          The first puzzle that we did worked up rather quickly.  Along with Roland, we worked on the puzzle for three days before it was finished. Jenna asked if we could glue it together and hang it in her room.  And so we did.

          Not all of the puzzles have worked up for us as quickly.  Thus far, it is the only puzzle we have glued. One we didn't even finish.  A couple were missing pieces.  A few were missing pieces before Jenna and I had taken them.  Some pieces fell to the floor as we worked on them.  I think some may have been swept or vacuumed up. 

          I think often there have been puzzle pieces missing from our own lives.  Sometimes we just can't seem to find where the piece goes.  Sometimes they are swept up around us and we just can't find where they have gone.  Sometimes we become so obsessed with finding a certain piece that often we may overlook others.  May we assist others in finding their pieces so that we in turn may find our own. 

This weather is definitely puzzling

          Jenna asked if Roland and I would fill some plastic eggs and hide them in the backyard for her.  But the backyard was wet still.  This entire week we have seen sunshine only about six hours - but not in a row.  Thursday after 3:00 and Friday after 4:00.

          We hid the eggs in the front room and kitchen.  I hid them the way my parents had hid them - in plain sight.  Only the eggs they hid were the hard cooked eggs we had dyed the day before.  I don't recall ever having dyed eggs with Jenna myself.  She has always spent that activity with others - except for this year.

          I grew up on the messy drop solution.  Today my sister uses shaving cream and food coloring for her kids - which evidently is an activity they all enjoy.

          Last year we tried this activity with Jenna. 

          It appears that rain and snow continue in Salt Lake City.    The weather appears to have pleasant on Saturday.  Not here though.  Easter was wet for the most part.  When the sun finally did come out,  the wind was blowing enough to make it feel really cold out.

          Miss being with my granddaughters


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