The Sun is Taking Its Spring Break

         Mother nature has interpreted  "spring break" to be a week without sunshine - a break for the sun.

         Ever since we moved here, I notice that the rain in Oregon is quite different from the rain in Salt Lake City.

         Salt Lake rain is soaking wet.  You're drenched the second it hits you.  Oregon rain is moist - like having a humidifier running outdoors.  Often I don't even know it is raining by touch or by sight.  I can hear the rain dropping into pipes or puddles.

         My sister posted pictures of the snow that Mother Nature sent them starting their spring.  Right below her pics, a commenter had left another photo of her tree in blossom against green grass which she had taken the day before. 
           I don't think the schools in Salt Lake go on Spring Break until next week.  Jenna's birthday is coming up, and the schools were always out whenever she had her birthday.

         We could never plan for what kind of weather we'd be having on her birthday.  Her friend's birthday falls six days after Jenna.  Lindsey's parties could be planned according to the wither on Jenna's birthday.  Seriously.  Whatever the weather on Jenna's birthday,  Lindsey's was exactly the opposite.  Jenna's birthdays were usually cold and dreary.  Lindsey's mom would invite half the neighborhood over for an outdoor barbeque.  Sometimes it was actually quite hot outside.

         There were at least two birthday parties we had planned for Jenna indoors that came with great outdoor weather - although one had been postponed to almost the end of April.  On those years, Lindsey's birthday party was held indoors due to the pouring rains.  As we will be holding Jenna's birthday in another state this year, and neither she nor Lindsey will be attending the other's party, I wonder if Lindsey's mom will remember to take the weather into account.  I'll have to send a reminder. 


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