Finding Treasures

I personally have never worked with a camera
this large - though I do remember them

          When we moved from West Valley to Oregon, I felt rushed.  I think I left behind all the family tapes.  Tony and his wife were moving into the house and I knew that he would enjoy having the tapes - if he happened to have a working VCR.

          I wondered if I should bring my camcorder as finding blank VHS tapes seems obsolete.  Many I had purchased over the years.  Many (as it turns out) are ones that got passed down from my brother Corey. I don't remember having so many camcorder tapes in my possession, but thus far I have come across almost 25

          We're still not fully settled with the move.  The counselor in RS had called me to remind me about having an activity and suggested that we call the committee together to go over something for next month.  We've been asked to plan a food storage or emergency preparedness activity. The counselor of the committee sounded even less thrilled that I was/am. I don't have a problem with testimonials - but really, what kind of turn out are we going to get if that is the subject? 

          I had also mentioned an activity that we had done in my last ward and so have been going through the camcorder tapes to find said activity. I don't know if I ever transferred or where the VHS ended up if I did.  I found it after going through the first 11 or 12 videos.  I wasn't floored by all of the recordings I came across, but did find myself in awe about some of them.

          I came across recordings forgotten or misplaced - that I didn't really view as treasures at the time.  The year I had received my first camera and several Christmases and activities with the boys, Jenna growing up - even one my niece and nephew as babies - both now in their twenties with babies of their own. 

          In addition to family events,  I found a few tapes that I know were not transferred.  My wedding reception for one.  Within the first year of our married lives, our house had been broken into.  I had always believed the tape had been stolen.  What a treasure.  I found a few treasures - a couple that I think Corey would be interested in viewing - or perhaps he already knows them by heart.  

          I actually don't remember having gone through the house with my mom - but I have it on tape.  After her house had been broken into, we had gone all throughout her house to document items in case of another robbery.  I also found some tapes including interviews on journaling, my dad's responses to a bunch of questions, and participation from neighbors (a few who have passed on) in a video that I attempted to make for an annual event for my dad's birthday that my family had started shortly after he had passed. There are also a few performances (two poorly recorded) including Forever Plaid, Wizard of Oz and Into the Woods.

          I found a couple of blank tapes as well.  What a waste.  Camcorder still works.  I had even filmed Jenna opening her gifts our first Christmas in Oregon so that I could share it with her brothers and their wives (my daughters) and they could see her opening the gifts that they sent.  It hadn't occurred to me that I was working with a relic and that I wouldn't have blank VHS tapes on which to transfer to - nor knew if any of them even have a working VCRs.   When am I ever going to be able to use the blank tapes now?

          I'm certain I lost a lot of footage before our move to Oregon - like watching Daisy (a dog we had when we lived in Kearns) catching soap bubbles in her mouth or Houdini (our first dog) catching a baseball or bouncing a basketball on his nose.  I did find a camcorder tape of him catching darts in his mouth.  Crazy dog.

          We left behind a few scenes that documented Jenna's sisters.  Our wedding in which the bishop performed the ceremony - only the bishop wasn't in the shot and so it looks like we're being married by a shadow.  Early family videos of the boys before I had married into the family.

          But then again they're VHS.  Lots of them. Some people still own VCRs - and they're not quite as overlooked or foreign as say the Beta - but still.  The boys have their opportunity with VHS right now.  It may be a foreign concept to Jenna by the time she graduates high school.  Too bad.  Lot of great things about modern technology - but really sad when something only three years old seems outdated.

          I'm grateful for my memories.  Wish I could make them all tangible to share with my family.

          Fun discoveries.  Discarded treasures.


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