The Tale of Jack and Sparky

            Sabrina, from next door, came over to apologize for the cries of her young kids (goats) Truth is I don't even hear them unless I happen to be outside and behind the house.  Sometimes I hear Jack through the kitchen window.  I think Sparky may answer him, but Jack is definitely louder.

            Sparky is the dog who lives next door.  He shares the fenced yard with the goats.  Jack lives behind us.  His yard isn't fenced.  He feels free to go wherever he pleases at any time.  I don't know all of his daily routine, but it appears to me that his morning routine is to descend the hill that leads from our yard to his and torment Sparky.

            I don't speak dog, but this is what I hear, "Ha, ha.  You are stuck behind a fence all day. I am better than you.  Certainly more trust worthy.  I am the more superior breed"

            I could be wrong.  Perhaps it's more friendly than it appears.  Perhaps Jack is angry about the fence and wishes he could play with Sparky.  Overall, Sparky looks sad.  Perhaps he feels trapped in his yard.  I don't think Jack's routine is helping.   

           Do I have too much time on my hands?  or am I just overly tired?  Why am I posting about two dogs that I don't even know? 


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