Thank you for being such a fine example
Krystal and Hank both attend our ward. Neither one of them is a baptized member. Krystal is ten and has been homeschooled up until now; she loves primary. She started attending with her grandma and cousin. She loves socialization. She fits right in. She loves to be there. Hard to believe that she is not a member. She drinks the gospel up like it's water - which in a way . . . She LOVES primary.
Hank was a different story. He was a rebel and it showed. I don't know the full story, but I get the impression that he's been passed off one relative to another for at least a couple of years. When he came to stay with his Aunt Ronnie, she had only one rule: he had to attend church with her every Sunday.
Ronnie has been a member of the Church for less than two years. She's a go-getter. She loves the gospel and is not afraid to share. So Hank sat beside her with a scowl on his face. Evidently, he went to Sunday school and priesthood and was befriended by those attended those same classes. Gradually he showed desire to go to the activities. Now he gets himself up for early morning seminary - which was not a part of the deal.
Then yesterday, I was asked in primary, to share a little bit about my mission. I gave a specific example of a bishop from my first area who had to travel 35 miles to get to the ward. He made a goal to have a ward house built near the city where he lived. It's been over 30 years since I taught since I helped to teach those he had befriended and found for us to teach. I was wondering if he had succeeded in building the ward up in that time and looked up his location after I had returned home from my meetings. There is a branch in the city where he lives and it appears that he is the branch president. Way to go! I'll have to let my primary know next week.
There are were four LDS youth attending Coffenberry last year. Jenna was the only girl. That is one reason she wanted "Utah" and "BYU" shirts for school. She's already put in several "plugs" about the LDS church. She wants her peers to continue asking questions. "So what does BYU stand for?" well, let me tell you . . .
How great it is that there are so many positive examples. I have felt such strength and enthusiasm. It's been awesome!
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