
Showing posts from November, 2016

My classes seem intertwined this week.

          I have been pretty good about figuring out the topic for the class discussions and have usually done by initial post on Monday.   I usually look at the assignment before the lecture, but seemed to have failed on looking at my history assignment in detail.   We are required to do a power point which usually wouldn't be a big deal, but Jenna is off from school this week and I hate leaving her alone, but I am required to have references.   Searching for articles, and creating cites is always so time consuming.   It steals away time, not just from me, but from my family.           Lectures are on Monday, which has also taken away from family time - though I don't have to be at the live session.   I can always watch or rewatch the recordings.   My history instructor, thus far, has taken two hours to present the material - though the first hour is gene...

Presidential Trivia

(this post is about presidents past and NOT the current election)                   Jenna and a classmate are going to give an assigned PowerPoint this week.   I haven't seen any of it as it was a project they worked on it at school.   The first PowerPoint that I remember Jenna doing for her current school was a presentation on one of our former presidents.         Before she had been assigned this task, I had told her that if ever she was to do a report on an American President, to pick either William Henry Harrison or Gerald Ford as William Henry Harrison was Pres. for only one month and Gerald Ford is the only President that hadn't been voted to be president (or vice-president) by the public.   I just like interesting facts that set apart from others.   But I suppose they all have something interesting about them. ...

Another Post with Free Thought and Weather

          I like the sound of rain           Good Thing as it           has rained for most of           this month                     We have skylights in           our front room and           our bedroom and           sometimes the rain wakes me           after I have fallen           asleep           I know it's wet and cold           outside      ...