Missionary Highlights: VA Beach, Martinsville

        My next area was Virginal Beach.  I was there for two months and had served with two different companions.  Sister P. and Sister U. - but not at the same time. I was supposedly the senior companion to each of them.

        More government and military personal.  Several navy widows.  Several missing priesthood members.         
        Sister P. knew the area.  She knew the members.  She was very positive and very giving.  She was my tallest companion.  Sadly, I don't remember any specifics about our being together.

        Sister U. was something else.  Aside from her trainer, I don't think she ever served with another sister for more than a month - often less.

        Whenever there had been an odd number of sisters in the field, Pres. P. would make me a part of a tri-panionship.  I would guess it was because I was easy going and could get along with most anybody.  Sister U., on the other hand, ended up in more tri-panionships and more partners than any other sister - for the opposite reason.
        Tension between us was thick. For the most part, I was able to dismiss our ignorance toward one another.  We would set up appointments with members to show them "It's Up to You" but then actually end up showing something different when a non-member was present.

        Matt Street had been at least two of the film sessions.  He was already attending church as he'd been dating a member. He is the one who came to us and asked, "So when are you going to start teaching me?"

        Well . . . we couldn't teach him in the girlfriend's home - too many psychological issues within the household.  We couldn't teach him at that other home because the Spirit had been chased away after their endless talking.  We needed to find a suitable environment, and we definitely needed to have harmony between Sister U. and me.

        Matt was what many would refer to as "golden" and we found the ideal home - but I think the tension between Sister H. and I had increased - and everybody knew it.  It's a wonder that Tates would actually allow us to continue to teach in their home - and yet Matt could still feel the Spirit.  His recognition to the truth was stronger than our tension.

        He asked me if I thought he ought to be baptized.  I think Sister U. was jealous that he had asked me instead of her.

        Matt was in the navy.  The military isn't known for convenience.  Matt had been assigned to travel.  Sister U and I had both been transferred before his return.  I think Elders had been assigned to work that area.  But I don't know.  I know that for the next two Tri-panionships I was in, there were two more - because Sister U. and her original companion had to be split apart.  

        Thus onto Martinsville.  I had two senior sister companions.  Sister B. and Sister L. lived by a different set of rules than I'd been accustomed to.  We lived in the same house as our landlady who had one spare room.  Sister L. and Sister B. slept on the twin beds in the room.  Elsie  (our landlady) hung up a sheet or a curtain or something to give me privacy as I slept on the couch in her front room.  That was different.

        Sister L. and Sister B. didn't seem to have a specific P-day.  They could get their hair done or shop whenever.  (Sister Missionaries over forty and missionary couples - at least back then - did not have to follow the same rules and guidelines as the younger generation; they had other obligations) Sometimes Elsie would drive me around and introduce me to members.

       We lived in a very small branch.  Sister L. had been made a counselor in the Relief Society and Sister B. played piano for the primary.  The two Elders who lived next door also had callings to fulfill.  

        After Sister L. was transferred, Sister B. buckled up and became serious about missionary work.  We were together as a single companionship fro a month before we were joined by Sister O.  who was definitely my oldest companion, though I think she only had ten years on Sis. B. 
        Elsie and Sister O. had a few things in common.  While Sis. B. and I went about searching for non-members to teach, Elise would drive Sister O. to the families interested in genealogy (family history) and they would offer their assistance.

        It was in Martinsville that we met Dave from this post.  At that time he was working at a diner called Fridays.  A year and a half later, Elsie and I found him working at the Radio Shack next door. 


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