Finding Gratitude

I did not watch the voting reports on November 8.  I was at a Relief Society activity sharing my life story – making a plug for gratitude, because even when circumstances seem to be at their darkest, there is still a glimmer of light.  We need to focus on the light and good things that were dished out along with the bad such as mentioned in this post

        I had invited other sisters to share their stories also. 

        A few shared experiences related to failed health and how other family members were affected and the pluses that continue still.  One sister shared her testimony on faith and gratitude about contributing to the building fund raiser (back in the day when members were required to help raise monies to build temples and ward houses and such) She baked bread and collected Susan B. Anthonys.  It was really quite touching how she described how the money was raised and saved.

        We also heard an experience similar to the loaves and fishes as a sister related an experience with a ward pot luck, an extended invitation to anyone who happened to be at the park, and having leftovers when it was certain that they had started out with more people than a great amount of food.

        It turned out to be such a great – as well needed – activity.  I am so grateful for the opportunity of having shared so much spirit and joy before returning to our homes the ways of the world.  I am dumbfounded by the results of this year's election.

       To all the men and women that have served this country: Thank you.


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