ABC Quiet Book . . . Improvements Overtime

           I remember signing up for a Relief Society activity where we were given pictures and pastel paper to make books for a quiet activity that our children (or grandchildren, whatever the case) might be entertained by the pages of words and pictures depicting a spiritual alphabet.  I must have spent the majority of my time cutting out squares and gluing thoughts and letters to the pastel paper.  I don't even like pastels - not since I was five or six.  But I kept them anyway. 

           Though the paper and majority of pictures were provided for us, we still had to come up with our own binder and sheet protectors.  We could do 8X8 or 8X12.  The 8X8 actually seemed to work up better as there seemed to be a lot of empty space on the 8X12 - but as I already had the supplies, I used those rather than make a purchase for 8X8.  I made a book for Jenna and presented it to her when she was three.  I obviously did not use a rule for any of the pages I had actually created before returning home:

           As I was searching for other pictures to fill it occurred to me that I could just create the pages in my new founded scrapbooking program that I could do on the computer.  I could also add or substitute words to fit the ones given.  For example, the letter B was for Baptism but I had added Brothers as well. C was for Church; I added Children and Creation.  H was for Heaven, and I wanted to make it for Hymn Book as Jenna one of Jenna's favorite books at the time really was the hymn book as she realized it was associated with singing.   I traced her hands and copied several hymns which I made into a collage.  It is one of my favorite pages:

            I have since made books for my niece, Anna, my oldest granddaughter, Ester and am now working on books for my granddaughters Devin and Ally whose birthdays are next month.   I'd done all of Anna's pages on the computer.  With Jenna, N had stood to Noah and O had stood for obedience.  I had added nursery to the letter N and Organ to the letter O (Jenna had a special relationship with the organist in our ward at the time; I had put her picture on the same page as the organ) and had also used Nursery and Organ when I made Anna's.  Jenna's book ended up being 36 pages, but I had managed to cut Anna's down to 32.  I cannot find anything I did for Ester.  The other two are 40.  I have gotten rid of Nursery and Organ and have added other prophets to both sides of N and O.  


          I don't know what my initial S word was.  Scriptures, I think. That ended up being a two page  creation along with C, F, G R, and T but only C, R and S have double pages now.

         I had actually done two pages of family photos to illustrate our "at home" family and extended family.  I included one with her sisters.  Ironically we had been standing under a sign that  said "Families are Forever".  We have neither seen or heard from her sisters since before Jenna turned four.

         I had added Temples to Tithing for both Anna and Jenna.  I don't know what I kept for Ester. These are three different tithing pages I had made:

          Y for you was supposed to be a mirror;  I used a reflective material that didn't really work.  For Anna and Ester I had just filled in with pictures.  But Jenna found a reflective notebook cover that I cut in half that I think may work.  I visualize Ally thinking it cool to view herself in each circle.  But it doesn't carry over on this post:

          Many of the pages I have kept the same, but I did change Vision to Voice.  Jenna's book is the test.  Each time I do another, I improve.


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