
Showing posts from September, 2017

Save Our Library Crusade

Just over a year ago this month, I had finally been accepted to sit with the library board to make decisions - though our county libraries were in jeopardy.   I had turned in an application at the end of May and attended my first meeting in June.  I don't know why they hadn't accepted me as a board member at the time as I WAS THE ONLY ONE TO APPLY! I started a crusade and campaigned on facebook from September until November's election.   Here are some of the clipart I had used as profile, post or cover.  It may not have been very effective as the majority of responses I received were from my Utah friends.  I had not thought to create at page for public awareness. my sister-in-law had sent me this post.  I, in turn, had shared it with some class mates from a management class I had been taking at the time. This includes 6 different profile pics I incorporated pics of granddaughters in previous Halloweens.  Each rem...

These Milk Containers Have No Necks!

            Jenna's favorite holiday, without question, is Halloween.   She has loved Halloween for the last ten years.   She loves dressing up.   She loves decorating.   This year she is into morbid and spooky.   Initially she had asked if we could make some milk jug skeletons - and I am fine with it - but my milk jug skeletons never look like this             I think of "milk bottle skeletons" as cute rather than morbid.   Perhaps that's why we haven't made them yet?   We were watching a tutorial about how to make them.   Costco bottle was suggested for the head as circles are already outlined on the carton - well, now - that all depends on what state you are in.   I remember bottles with the circles and actual bottle necks. But Oregon Costco's don't have those milk jugs.   The Costco's here (as well as   Washington, I would imagin...

Family Fun Night 

            Jenna came home with a flyer last week ordering us to attend the family fun night at Coffenberry Middle School.   In this post I briefly mentioned the first one I had attended with her the first year that we had lived in Oregon.   I didn't mention the one that took place last year - a pirate theme, I believe.   Both Roland and I had gone with Jenna who hustled us from one room to the next.   Last year definitely felt the most crowded.   This year was the most fun for all three of us.             Each year there is a theme and this year it was Western.   One of the faculty from the school had left a cheesy message as a reminder to attend.   Jenna is currently taking a class in leadership and so was expected to not only attend the event, but participate as well.   This is how she was dressed the entire day:       ...

One Piece Might Not Protect Me - I Need It All

          Almost two hours after Jenna left for school, I looked outside the window to see a fog so thick it had nearly swallowed my view of the houses across the street.   Normally I don't get so excited by something that has impaired my vision, but unlike the hazy smoke that had lingered at the beginning of the month, I knew that the fog was clean and moist and would lift and be gone until another morning.   I've never seen the clouds so closely to my face.   It was pretty awesome.           Right now the sky is clear and blue.   It is a sunny day.   There is no evidence that the fog had descended so low.   The scenery is clean.   There is nothing to impell my vision or breathing.           Last night we fed the Elders.   The sun was beating on our house and shining through the windows.   The kit...

Tiny Vegetables

               And now for the post you've all been waiting for . . .   just kidding.   I had saved  the words of my post to a draft and planned to add pictures when I returned from a meeting - only the Internet didn't seem to want to connect for me, and so I had to wait until now so that I could post pictures and captions           Sunday started out overcast and I dressed in some warmer clothes.   And then I changed.   I had my hair down, but put it up to keep it off my neck. I had changed four times within 2 and a half hours (but one change was because I found residue of grime that just didn't look good)  Thus yesterday morning I hung laundry as it felt like it would be warmer than it had on Sunday.   It rained.   Not a heavy rain, mind you.   But it certainly wasn't going to help the clothes to dry!           Roland says th...

Not Often My Favorite Day of the Week

                I don't know for certain how many children Raone had, but suspect there were at least eight.   Leisel was among the eldest.   Roane was a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was diligent in her callings and offering service.   Leisel did not recognize her mother's great efforts.   Instead, she grew up resenting her mother's choices with neglecting her own family and blamed the church.   When she was eighteen, Leisel moved out of the house, she never had her name removed from the records of the church, but had stopped attending meetings and I believe disconnected herself from the family that she had helped raise.             I remember meeting her only once.   She was nice enough and seemed to have her act together - perhaps not financially.   She remained positive so long as c...

That movie went on and on . . . the plot, Forgotten

          The cinema movie offered to the seniors this week was Dunkirk - which Roland wanted to go and see, but it was on Wednesday which overall is NOT the best day for me - especially when I have two classes.   Roland was finishing up his assignment and Corey was coming to town (and there is no movie that I would rather see over my brother, Corey) and I wasn't going to jeopardize that!   Roland's plan was to take me on a date to the theatre last night.   Unfortunately the last showing was on Thursday, and so we ended up not going to the big city of Roseburg.             Instead we decided to go rent movies from Redbox.   We drove to the   one located by McDonald's.   I was watching two men, one in a cherry picker and one in the McDonald's sign - which actually looks further up in the air when there is a cherry picker and crew inside the sign....