Electronic Gremlins Have Not Gone Away

            For the last five weeks or so, I've had instructors stress the importance of using reliable computers and Internet because if an assessment is turned in incomplete or daily checkpoints aren't answered, there is nothing they can do about it.  It's been emphasized before, but I hadn't noticed as much as I have the last four or five weeks.  Apparently there are electronic gremlins invading the entire school - and not just the students.

            I recall the instructors having their turn with Zoom issues and recently the electronic bugs have spread themselves to all workers - I'm thinking even the technicians although I can't say for certain.

                On Tuesday there were facebook reminders that summarized Roland's birthday on various years.  He was sick on the last two  birthdays we had lived in Utah.  This year he was visited by Electronic Gremlins - he has been unable do his work efficiently as there seems to be an issue with the computers.  At first he thought it was the Internet as the Netgear wasn't blinking. 

            "Oh, great," I thought. "If Roland isn't getting Internet than I'm certainly not getting it."

            I am normally the first one to lose Internet access.  Sometimes I'll pull out the laptop to see if it's a Wi-Fi thing or a computer thing.  I actually haven't even bothered with the laptop much these last two weeks.  But the Internet seemed to be working fine for me.  That's a switch.  Me with Internet.  Him Without.  It felt like he was using something slower than dial-up.  Still feels that way.  He does have his laptop from when he took graphic arts.  He says that has been working faster for him.  That is sad.  His Mac is one of the slowest systems I have ever used in my life.

            It seems there's always an issue with the computers - if not with the instructors,  the students can't get in or else the other workers that are not instructors - which is Roland's case.  I turned in my assignment and took the assessment yesterday and am grateful to have it behind me as I can no longer get in.  Hopefully they will have it resolved before Monday - though it doesn't appear to be promising.

            Roland doesn't have his phone and so has been borrowing mine to keep in touch with what may (or may not) be going on.  He's afraid to leave his computer in case he is required to do something from his end.  Oh, the joys of modern technology and interference.



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