Stickler for Recipes
Roland brought some ham home the other day and thought about making a sweet and sour with some of it. We already had sweet and sour chicken leftover in the fridge. I told him to make ham fried rice. He said he needed a recipe. I could not find one that listed all ingredients that we had on hand, and so I printed a couple in order to demonstrate that not all recipes contain the ingredients and that it is possible to alter ingredients. People make mock recipes all the time.
I am a substitute who works with what I have. Roland is a letter-to-the-law recipe follower - even down to the measurements. I told him to half the recipe that he chose, but no. He insisted on four cups of rice. And yet we are only two people - sometimes three, but mostly just two as Jenna is a fussy eater. The end result was enough to take to a ward potluck - which won't be until next week. Don't really want a dish to sit around that long before allowing others to partake.
Fortunately, the missionaries contacted us the following day. We had forgotten we had signed up to feed them. In addition to the ham fried rice, Roland was able to make his sweet and sour ham (which is almost gone) and we had watermelon for dessert. Light and healthy.
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