Just Over Half

Probably not worth the wait.  

Allow me to elaborate some of them:


1       still married

2       never

16     Been near the Atlantic but did not swim in it – I did dip my toes in it though – VA Beach

19     I am not certain.  I’m thinking in Hawaii seeing the Kennedy profile? but I could be wrong.  You would think I would remember

20     covered in 5 posts starting here  

26     Jenna and I pass the time doing karaoke with each other – especially at the beginning of the pandemic.

27     not even a full minute interview on the news feeding less fortunate on Thanksgiving.  The media had misspelled my name.  Not a big deal.

28     Currently I have four granddaughters, two grandsons and another on her/his way

29     Here    

31     Did have the opportunity for that one but did not take it

34     several times as a kid, but most memorable in college when we piled a bunch of us and furniture in a pickup and set furniture around – back in the day of speakers and not radio apps

35     I think I did.  It would have been at Hogel zoo when I was quite young.  I do remember riding the camel.

40     Chevy Vega -the drive was only around the corner from our house.  I ran into a fence and took the blame and paid for the damage.  I never drove a stick after that.  Though I guess I do have the example of the Honda found here

42     probably a “No” on that one as I did have roommates – so was away from family so guess it doesn’t count as living on my own – or does it?

43     funeral

45     torn a ligament but never had a broken bone

46     just above my right eye when I was five or six; I’d been spinning around, lost my balance, and wacked my head into the end table

49     the pandemic has sent me into a retirement.  LOL

50     No desire  


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