Can you remember the address of one of your childhood homes?
As I mentioned in this post the
streets in Salt Lake are numbered around the temple. We lived in a non-incorporated area. Our street number was 6850 South which
apparently some neighbors knew as the name “Twin Peaks Drive” though I
remember mom telling me she knew of only one family who addressed their mail
with the “Twin Peaks” caption. 6850 is going to be so much easier to find
than “Twin Peaks”.
Twenty or thirty years later we were
incorporated into the city. New street signs were installed all over the
neighborhood. Our street was marked “6850 South” – it was right
after that installation that all business computers received the message that “this landline
belongs to a resident living on “Twin Peaks Street” – not the “Drive” that I had
grown up with.
It was frustrating ordering things and
having the orders delayed because drivers could not find “Twin Peaks”
anything. Oh, duh, city. If you’re going to enter that street into the
computers as Twin Peaks, than why not mark the street itself as "Twin Peaks" instead of 6850
South? We would tell people “It is 6850 – there is no
sign anywhere indicating that it is Twin Peaks. PLEASE
It seldom ever got related. Whenever the drivers did finally show, they were even more frustrated about it than we were.
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