Thoughts for my Journal

          I cannot believe tomorrow is Mothers Day.  The weather isnt speaking volumes of how Mothers Day has looked in years past.  Yesterday we had sun showers all day.  The rain has been pouring all night and this morning.  Not to mention the hens have been cackling.  I cant sleep with that!  Nobody rescued them from whatever they were cackling about nor did the rain drown them out as they seemed to be louder than the pounding rain.

         I must have slept at some point and hard as I had another weird detailed dream.  I dont know where Richard and I were or why.  The neighborhood was not one that I remember.  Somehow we got separated and I went to a house in which I know the woman but chose instead to go to the house next door to wait for Richard when I heard his voice inside of the first house.

         I went to the door and was greeted by one of the womans relatives.  I had remembered meeting her before  and apologized for my interruption.  I was led to another room that somehow continued to get larger as I looked around and saw many people some eating food and visiting while others sat with dark expressions giving off vibes that they really didnt want to be there.

         I sat down and observed and spotted a couple from my moms ward who I have not seen for almost twenty years.  I went up to them to ask how they were doing.  They didnt seem to recognize me.  I said that we had lived on the same street when I was living in Midvale.  Some facts were distorted in my dream, but I somehow woke myself up remembering more details and what I could have said.  Like I had served in Young Womens with their niece and how we had dressed Tom and the bishop up as Ladybugs.  I also thought about the time when I was pregnant with Jaime and Pam and Elena had offered to throw me a baby shower (which Jaime attended when she was almost two months old).

         I have no idea why I would have dreamed about them. 


Jaime has her prom tonight. We are going to the salon to have her hair done.  I hope the rain doesnt damage.  I really hope she will enjoy herself and have positive memories of the night.

Tomorrow will bring some interesting meetings.  More on that later.


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