New Neighbors

               Since purchasing our home in Tri-City, we have had three sets of neighbors to our left.  Jane and Austin lived there for at least three years.  Not quite sure when they moved out (I’m guessing during a holiday excursion to Utah – perhaps even New York?) and Jane’s sister and brother-in-law moved in.  They fought a lot and I suspect moved out of marital problems – but I don’t know.  It’s not as if we had ever become bosom buddies with any of our neighbors.

          They moved in March and a new family – couple moved in this month.  They have two huge dogs who have barked at Bonnie though she tends to ignore them.  Oh, good for her.  I thought she would be the instigator.  Obviously male dogs.  The new home owner says he thinks that his dog has a crush on Bonnie.  That’s different.  That’s sweet.

          Thus far we like these next door neighbors the best of the three we’ve had.


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