Slowly But Surely Interaction

                I heard Richard saying, “Get out. Get out! GET OUT” 

          I figured he was talking to the dogs.  He and Clair were in the kitchen and Ally was working on moving the coffee table to block the dogs out.  I stuck my head out to call Bonnie.

          “It’s not Bonnie,” Ally said.  “It’s Char.”

          Char is more aggressive as far as height and actually jumping around.  Bonnie will wait quietly – most of the time still in the way, but not jumping.  Once the food is served she is like Godzilla upon Tokyo and it is Char who has to find another source.

          Truth be known, I wasn’t calling Bonnie to distract her from the others.  I had an ulterior motive.  I wanted her to lick my dish clean so that I wouldn’t be in anyone else’s way or have to settle on gunking up my bathroom sink.  Bonnie did not come.

          I retrieved the dish and held it out the door. 

“Come on, Bonnie!” I called.  The dish had gotten her attention.  Char had already been banned to the bedroom and Bonnie ran towards mine.

          “Thank you, Grandma,” Ally said sincerely. She was truly grateful and I was impressed with her actions.

          Before Bonnie had finished eating there was a soft knock at the door.  Ally had come to retrieve Bonnie.  I was surprised she was still licking the bowl as there hadn’t been enough worth calling her for really.  I think overall Ally prefers Bonnie to Char.  I sent her out only moments later.  I don’t know if Ally even noticed.


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