Diving Into Another Speculative Truth . . . . maybe
Biff sent one of those personality quizzes
to Richard who in turn sent it to me.
His given personality was/is Advocate and mine came out Adventurer. Apparently there are 14 more. I was not surprised by the results of either
one of them.
Many of the same statements you either
agree with, disagree or remain neutral.
The results indicate your introverted level compared to being
extraverted, being observant as opposed to intrusive. Those two fields were obviously one way or
another for me – without my
even taking the quiz.
Everything else was about neutral for
me. Feeling over thinking (in other words
relying on my emotions over my brains) prospecting over judging which actually
surprised me as so often I have been a conclusion jumper and do tend to judge
others unfairly. Turbulent as opposed to
April starts tomorrow. I plan to detail the five areas just a bit
more based on comments and how I leaned and why.
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