Woe Resolved

There are a few hand driers that

will accept my hands and work

for me – but not all.


Two weeks ago Richard and I decided to cut

our entertainment services. 

With one company we were offered a

second line to accompany the mobile

phone that I already have. 

Richard decided to pay off my phone and

upgraded his phone plan with the carrier that I am

using but they would not accept his phone. 

They have different styles to choose from. 

One was a flip phone option. 

Seriously.  That was not an option when I

first opened my account – and

the prices were lower for the plan that

Richard wants than when I had opened. 


It is less than his current plan with

a different carrier.

Thus we decided to add him to my plan and since

they have flip phones available, I decided

that I would go back to a flip phone and

Richard decided that he would use

 my brick touch screen.


My phone came a week ago today. 

We talked to a wonderful representative

living in Florida. 

My phone was up and running –

well, for four hours anyway.

Sadly our carrier was experiencing

problems before we could successfully

transfer Richard’s cell number from his old

phone to my brick. 

We were told to call back in

three hours.  I was certain we would not

get that awesome worker we had

previously talked to. 


Our next call was with someone in

North or South Carolina.

She did not seem to have as much experience

as the first. 

Earlier that morning we had called on

Richard’s phone to set up my phone. 

We used my brand new phone to talk to

the customer service rep in Carolina and

were cut off before the transaction was

complete.  That isn’t good.  We did not have

service on either of our provided carrier phones. 


I did have a temporary number that had been

set up by our carrier. 

We used that and talked to another rep who

had loads of experience and talked with

authority and admitted that someone had

messed up. 

Evidently Richard’s number had been placed

 on both the flip phone and the brick. 

The issue with his phone and number was

resolved by the end of the night.

 I had a temporary number up until yesterday. 

Nice to finally have my old number back.


I do not like the orbic phone nearly as much as

the three featured red ones that can be found on

yesterday’s post.

Why can’t I go back to my

Easyfone as I liked it best?

  Better than the orbic.


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