
Showing posts from January, 2025

A Plea to ALL Civilians of EVERY Nation

                       I have been irritated by the ignorance of those portrayed in so many cowboy pictures that my husband watches – only it isn’t just that time period.   It has been with us through the beginning of time.   I am so ashamed of what is taking place currently. president-donald-trump-united-kingdom-visit         The entire population of the American population did not vote for Trump.   I’d dare say less than half – but Trump cheats.   I would dare say in all three elections.   I find it hard to believe that ALL seven swing states voted Republican.   He cheats.   He’s a bigger criminal than those he is trying to deport.          Just because Trump is an ass does not mean that all Americans are.    

It’s a Nostalgic Thing

            Jaime was making this face over something else but thought it fitting for the Big Lots closures.   It looks like eight remain open (at least for now) and all located in Washington State (or that is what I have led myself to believe)          Jaime and I spent many hours walking to Big Lots and visiting Big Lots in Kearns.   Many times we would drive out of our way to visit the one in Roseburg.   What a sad sight.

other pics with references

  This is a photo I took of Carlin Prison. I was unable to get photo of the warning sign, but you can find it at this site Jim Goldstien I had also missed my opportunity of getting a good photo of what my husband refered to as the "Joshua tree" although I couldn't find it listed under that name. I found the pic below on this site. also a better picture of the Salt Flat rest stop (last post) found here I found it interesting that the Elko Temple was built quite near a Wingers Casino and found two pics (with comments)  here and here .  Apparently I was wrong about the location of the California Trail.  We had passed an exit indicating Hunter, no services and there was the center.   May have been worth the stop but I don't even know if they were opened when we passed.  Here is the site for that location.  So that wraps up our journey.  Sometimes I think I need to leave the state and return to appreciate the moist breathable air.

Rest Stops

 I drink a lot of water.  Always have.  As I increase in age my bladder does not seem to hold what it used to and so for the most part our road trips come with many potty stops. This is the second stop with outhouse and not flushable or heat - or sometimes  even light.  Walking from the car to the outhouse in the snow was a challenge. This was the first rest stop crossing the Utah border.   I was awed by all the matching green roofs - including  a residential house where I assume the caretaker resides. They even have a small dog park and electric car chargers   This is Bonneville Salt Flat rest stop which we passed without   stopping; it looked more like an observation deck to me.    

Road Trip Pics

I took so many pictures but knew that most would not turn out as I was taking them from the car.   These are the ones that looked decent after cropping En  Route to Utah by way of Klamath Falls between Winnemuca, NV and Salt Lake City, UT I was floored by these work places that had to be driven a great distance Beautiful Sunset on the way home  

Some Miracles

                 Our middle son had sent out a text before Christmas to inform us that one of our granddaughters was scheduled to be baptized on the 28 th and to please come.  I don’t know how may pleas he sent to indicate that our presence would be really awesome – but we didn’t have the funds.  I had asked my sister and brother-in-law if they would represent us.           Meanwhile two days before Christmas I received notice about a bank deposit that would be made into our account – but not until this month.   Jaime kept on telling us if we could find a way we ought to go.   And so we left the house the day after Christmas to make the drive to Utah and surprise the family.           We had stopped at a rest stop and I opened the back door to retrieve something – though not the 8 CDs that fell to the wet ground.   A man at ...

In the Fire

             I have not set any new years resolutions – nor do I feel the need to wait until New Year’s Day to do so.   I have been sick (off and on –though mostly on) for going on six weeks now.   I suppose I could have COVID – I never think about possibly having it until weeks after the fact.   Richard and I took a quick trip out of town.   I noticed miracles along the way and have written them down. I haven’t had much of a voice for the last eight days or so – possibly more (I’ve also been disoriented through this whole ordeal; grateful I don’t have a sinus infection) but am getting closer to being heard – though I sound like a cross between a chipmunk and one who may have swallowed razor blades. So I do have thoughts in the fire.   Hopefully they don’t all get consumed and go up in smoke.   I need more motivation.